I killed them all.

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(Y/n)'s POV:

After we landed on Coruscant I was taken to a med bay almost immediately. Masters Kenobi and Yoda came to visit me a short time after the medical droids had finished inspecting me for any wounds. After re-tending to the sprain on my ankle that had been slightly agitated in our escape, they determined I was alright.

Master Yoda had asked me a few questions about my capture and after I told him all I could, he left to go investigate further. I was informed by him that the man who captured me was a bounty hunter named Cad Bane, and he was working for the Hutts, meaning Jabba himself had gone out of his way to try and capture me. I was very confused when he told me this, I didn't know how Jabba knew who I was, or why he would want me out of all the Jedi he could've captured, and that made me nervous.

Master Kenobi stayed behind after Yoda had left, "I'm glad that you're okay (Y/n), we were all quite worried when you disappeared again." He spoke solemnly and it made my heart warm. Kenobi has a reputation for being an outstandingly kind man, and he truly lives up to it.

"Thank you Master Kenobi, it's greatly appreciated."

"Anytime young one. I also wanted to let you know I haven't found anything that can help us understand your visions." I frowned slightly when he revealed this to me,

"And the Chancellor?" I asked him and his expression turned to a state of confusion,

"Well, with what very little information Anakin gave me I haven't been able to find anything regarding him as well. The Chancellor is a very private man, if he wants something to be hidden, it will be hidden with utmost importance." His confused expression shifted into something that resembled irritation. "He has interferred with the council many times, loosing the trust of many of it's members. We must be cautious when it comes to concerns regarding him."

I read between the lines of what he said, and it was no shock to me that the Chancellor had involved himself into council affairs, but it was slightly shocking to find out the council didn't trust him. It was something that provided a slight relief to me though.

"I will try my hardest to find out what I can, but in the meantime I reccomend keeping this on the down low. If he got wind of your suspicions and there is any merit to them, it would likely not end well for any of us." I nodded my head in response.

"I understand, and thank you once again Master Kenobi. I am in your debt." I said smiling, which he returned and said,

"It is my pleasure (Y/n). And please, call me Obi-Wan, you've more than earned it."

"Okay, thank you Obi-Wan." It felt weird to call him by his first name, but it was nice to know he liked me enough to allow it.


Not long after Obi-Wan left, I left as well and returned to my bedroom. I hadn't seen Anakin since we landed, I didn't even know where he went. I wanted to ask him about something that had been on my mind for a while. During the night of my capture he said he did something after his mother died, and I was curious as to what that meant. He also told me he was the one to kill me, and I felt there was more to the story than he was letting on. I didn't want to push for information at the time, but now I needed to know.

After I took a long awaited shower and discarded the slave attire I was still wearing under my robe, I walked over to Anakin's room and knocked on his door. There was no response, but I could sense him in there.

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