girl stuff.

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Anakin's POV:

I trudge up the stairs as I'm overcome by anger and fear. I'm upset with Padme for telling (Y/n), she was right. I didn't want her to hear that story. Not from Padme at least. I wasn't comfortable talking about my life before the order with anybody, I was so immensely frustrated by Padmes actions I could barely control my rage as I made my way up to me and (Y/n)'s room. 

I opened the door and was met with a sight I could never forget, no matter how hard I tried. 

(Y/n) stood beside the bed, reaching for her dirty Jedi robes, completely naked. Our eyes met and I couldn't help but look her up and down, quickly of course, abruptly feeling my face go flush. She grabbed the blanket to cover herself the moment our eyes met, but not before I caught a glimpse of her, all of her. Fuck was she ever gorgeous. I couldn't stand it. I despised her for making me feel so damn desperate, but I couldn't get enough. All of my anger from Padme and I's earlier conversation had dissolved.

My thoughts quickly shifted as I imagined bending her over the bed, and all the things I could do to her. How she would look under me, screaming my name. My pants grew tighter at this thought and I immediately pushed them away, burying that feeling deep within me. 

"WHY are my clothes not in the bathroom?" She practically shouted at me as her force signature reeked of embarrassment. 

I'd be lying if I said I didn't do this to tease her, I thought it would be funny for her to be a bit flustered at the fact that her clothes had just, poof, disappeared. It was immature of me, sure. But I never imagined I would walk in here at a time like this. It wasn't my intention and part of me felt bad for making her feel vulnerable and embarrassed. But how was I supposed to know? I didn't want to tell her the truth and risk something being thrown at my head, or worse. So I lied to her, for the second time today, in hopes of masking myself from her. 

"I thought you'd like them washed before we had to leave, so I grabbed them and left them on the bed for Rabene to grab," I say as I hold my hands up, signaling my peace. I walk closer and notice her emotions fade slightly, as she becomes calmer. I hand the clothes to her and turn to allow her some privacy. I want to turn and peek so desperately, but I cannot. For so many reasons. 

Once she is changed and I hear her footsteps, I turn to face her and notice the stunning silk fabric adorning her luscious curves. The black pearls draped across her shoulder and chest are enough to drive any man crazy. The way they touch her soft and delicate skin makes me jealous, of pearls. I know, absolutely fucking unbelievable. I watch her walk to the washroom and drink a glass of water, my mind spinning and my body wishing to betray it. Thankfully I have gained some self-control in recent hours, and remain standing beside the bed, just watching her finish the glass of water and begin to brush her teeth. 

I could watch her forever and never get tired of it. 

(Y/n)'s POV: 

Anakin and I haven't spoken since this morning. I was avoiding him due to my own conflicting and confusing thoughts and emotions, and I assumed he was just avoiding me because he couldn't stand to be near me, as usual. We had returned to our ship and prepared to head back to Coruscant. Padme walked us back and brought a box of biscuits, which I have recently learned are Anakin's favorite food.

"(Y/n), it was so lovely to meet you. I sense greatness in you and hope we can see each other when I return to Coruscant." Padme beams at me, while I send her a smile back. She leans closer to my ear and whispers,  "By the way, the dress looks fucking fantastic on you. It will drive him crazy. I promise."

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