#Letters to my boyfriend

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My love,

I was literally stuck after addressing you as ' My love'. Like never ever in my life I thought I would be able to call you as my love. Never once I thought you would fall for a person like me.

Do u even know how much calm my mind is right now. I made a good choice.

There was days when I was so hopeless about you.  Painful days where I felt myself like a coward. Now I wish if I dared to ask you out a bit earlier we could have been together for longer. Sounds a bit selfish right. There was even days where I wish even if I got you as by boyfriend just for a day  would be fine for a lifetime. I could have lived with that then.

But not anymore. After getting you close to me like this am not ready to give you up for the world. Nobody would do that if they got to know you. That much of a man you are. Caring , soft, weak at times, supportive , patient ....

I can take a whole day praising you... But I can't let a day go without you.

If this is all a dream...let me be in it forever.

Mew , you know me deeply. You know how afraid I am inside. All people are different. This is how I am. And you accepted me for it. You understood my insecurities and try to bring me out of it instead of  pushing me aside. And  I love you for that. I love you so much.

Now you are my boyfriend.

😌am blushing.

We kissed, we hugged,....I miss you touching me.....I wish I could hug you more.

You are mine......

And I am all yours....

Yours loving

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