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Letter 4.

Hey Nurse boy!!

How are you? If you ever wonder how I am doing , then the answer is I am good. I am happy as long as I see your smile.

You were not my first love.

Alex, that was his name. We were together for 2 and half years. High school  romance.

And .....then

We broke up.

A mutual breakup.

You might be wondering about the reason right!

Long distance relationship!!

Alex always wanted to go abroad for his studies.

We discussed, negotiated, argued . We even thought of the possibilities of falling out of love . Our teenage mind didn't wanted to take chances. So we broke up for the better.

Even if the decision was mutual, I did felt empty for a while after the breakup.

But now I am feeling the warmth again.

And you are the reason.

Now I am making my mind strong enough to stood up for what I wanted. Again I don't wanted to let go of something because of my silly teenage mentality.

Now I wanted to take a chance.

Now I wanted to take risk.

For getting something that I wanted to truly treasure.

For YOU!!

May be now you might be thinking how much of a childish teenager  I am. You might be thinking of me as a person who was not even willing to take a chance for my first love but rather easily broke up.

But ....please don't think of me as an immature teenager.

I wanted you to know me fully. And that's why I told you everything.

I wanted you to know my fears and insecurities. I wanted to be an open book infront of you.

I want  you to love me for who I am...

I want  you to touch my soul.

You must be the one to know how hard and soft I am.


will you let me to enter your heart??



HE who loves you.


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