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Letter 7:

Hey boy,

Hope you enjoyed today's gift. I hope you like crepe cakes. It was made out of my mom's special recipe.

I wonder what would have been  your reaction if you had seen my kitchen in morning. It was a complete mess.  I always get nervous when it comes to you. Seriously. I wanted to impress you, so it's kind of a test right, so I am afraid, I don't want to fail.

So now everytime I get afraid I just close my eyes and think of your smiling face, and that gives a good spirit.

Seriously i dont know how you are changing me inside out. Indirectly you are making me a better person. I am changing up a lot in a good way so that i won't fail you.

I am not different. I am like every other men. I am not perfect. I have a lot of flaws. I do make make mistakes , i do get angry. But i always have a willpower to change myself for good.

Only after i met you i realised the need for changing up myself. I know sometimes you might be now saying that " boy be yourself" , but Mew , i am not ready to be myself around you. I want to the best for you... Because you deserve the best.

God i wish i was a little more brave to say all these by facing you.

I am trying...and one day i will take up the courage to see your beautiful face in a inch distance. And..

I want to hold your hands and  take a walk on a windy day.

I want to feel your warmth on a winter day.

I want to take shelter in your shadow on a sunny day.

I want to be held  close to your chest as we share an umbrella on a rainy day.

Lets walk together for a long time beside one another.

I am falling harder Mew... its hard to step back.

I miss u Nurse boy

Take care


He who misses you a lot


A/N : hellooo !!! You all.

Love you!!

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