
289 31 14

Gulf's pov

Is this how you feel when you fall in love. Like you feel happy even in the tinest things that remind you of him.
Whenever I see someone wearing a nurse uniform it would suddenly bring a smile to my face, whenever it's raining , it remind me of our first kiss, whenever I see any couple riding over a bike too remind be about our ride together.

I was a person who hated seeing people laughing while looking into their phone and chatting to someone..like I thought they are so stupid. Now I am officially one such idiot reluctantly waiting for my crush....Oops....boyfriend to text me....

Mew ➡️ Gulf

I am done with work...let's go out :)

And that text from hin made my day....

Gulf ➡️ Mew

Will pick u up in 10 min :)

And I drove to him. I reached over there only to see him wearing the pink open shirt that he wore on the first day I met him. God I am glad I fell for him!!

You were quick said Mew.

I missed you I said.

I missed you too, well there is something else that I miss more he added.

What's it , I was confused.

Your letters......I kind of missed your inner voice...he said with a shy look.

It brought a blush  to my face.

Anything for my love....I will write to you again...I said and placed a kiss to on his hands and we went on our date.

Throughout the date I was thinking what should I write to him again....I was confused...but I have to write it.......

Letters to my boyfriend :)


Author : Do you wanna read letters to my boyfriend or should I just stop it with just one letter and bring an end to the book :) ... Do let me know

Letters to My CrushWhere stories live. Discover now