Can't Give Up: Hunter

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I walked out into the dining room to see my brother and Susan sat at the table.
"Hey bro, how you holding up?" Tyson asked.
I sighed and sat down at the table. I could feel exhaustion overrunning me. A chef walked in with a fresh pot of coffee and a plate with a sandwich on it.
"I'm alright, I guess. I just wish Lisa would wake up," I replied, wiping my wet, blood shot eyes.
Tyson looked at me sadly.
"I haven't seen you get this upset since you got home and we had Alex's funeral," he said with a sigh.
I felt my heart sinking. He was right.
"Any news from the lab?" I questioned, wanting to change the subject.
Tyson glanced at the computer, then over at Susan. Susan nodded hesitantly, then studied my overly exhausted face.
"From what we've read. They are now mass cloning Indigo and Purple. Using those two power houses, they're going to set war on humanity and try take over," Tyson explained.

My jaw dropped, and I dropped the spoon that I had been using to mix my coffee.
"They're planning to go to war?" I asked in shock.
Susan nodded sadly.
"The humans aren't ready for this, we need to warn them," she whispered, sadness gathering inside of her.
Tyson nodded and began thinking.
"Not before I've gone in there and got those four experiments out," I replied.
Tyson glared at me.
"No! They've cracked down on security, I almost lost you twice, I'm not losing you again!" Tyson yelled angrily.
I felt my hands clench into fists.
"You don't control me Tyson, just because you're my older brother does not mean you regulate everything I do!" I shouted.
Tyson's face went red.
"I made a promise to mom and dad that I'd look after you!" he replied, loudly.
Susan looked terrified.
"How could you have done that? You thought I was dead until I showed up at the manor randomly! And that was way after our parents died!" I growled.
Tyson opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Quietly, he stood up, and left, slamming the dining room door behind him.

I groaned and leaned back in my chair.
"So," Susan said awkwardly.
I looked at her and frowned.
"Sorry you had to hear that," I whispered.
Susan dismissed my apology with a wave.
"Don't worry about it," she replied, standing up.
I began thinking in silence for a moment, making the whole situation ten more times awkward.
"Any ideas about Lisa today?" I asked hopefully.
Susan studied my grey eyes that had gone dull recently.
"Well I honestly think she might awaken soon, I've been working on a medicine that I might be able to finish tonight that might save her if time itself won't do it first. Plus I have something else, that Edwin and I thought of," she said.
I looked up at Susan, my curiosity peaked.
"Yes? What is it?" I questioned, the tone of curiosity in my body ruling my voice.
Susan studied me for a moment, making sure I was in a good state to hear this.

"So you know how before, when you thought Lisa was dead and she thought you were dead?" Susan asked, trying not to trigger anything as she spoke.
I nodded and sighed sadly.
"Well I was thinking. How the scientists set that up, I think I figured it out," she explained with a grin.
I cocked my head, confused. Susan smiled slightly.
"Well I think what you saw of Lisa was just a very accurately made simulation version of her. So while you were in shock and unable to fight back, you said you felt a pain in your neck, yes?" Susan questioned.
I thought for a moment and nodded. It had only been brief, but I remember that pain.

"I was thinking that the took your blood, and cloned that small sample of your DNA once. Which made a clone. Then they programmed that to do what it did to make Lisa break emotionally enough to attempt suicide. Then they killed it, trying to trick Lisa," Susan explained.
I began thinking. That did all make sense. To be honest, Lisa and I should have seen this coming.

After a few minutes of eating in awkward silence, Susan accompanied me back to Lisa's room. As we entered the room, I realized that the bed was empty.
"Lisa?" I called out, looking around.
Susan looked through the room.
"Where is she?" I demanded, looking around.
Susan shrugged and walked over to the bathroom. She knocked on the door gently.
"Lisa? You in there?" Susan asked.
For a few seconds, there was silent.
"Yeah Susan, I'll be out in a minute," I heard Lisa's voice reply faintly.
I sighed with relief and fell against the bed. Lisa was finally awake. She was okay. After almost a whole week, she was finally back to us.

Lisa came out of the bathroom and looked at us. Her face was pale, and her blonde hair framed her face. She had out weight, a lot of weight.
"Hi," she said, waving.
Susan got up and ran out to the dining room quickly. I stood up and walked over to Lisa.
"Hunter," she whispered, looking at me.
I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer.
"I thought you hated me?" she asked, curiously.
I cocked my head, confused, raising an eyebrow.
"You said you hated me, that you wished you had left me to die, that you were happy to die because it meant you would get away from me," she cried, burying her face into my shoulder.
I stroked Lisa's soft blonde hair as I held onto her.
"Lisa, I would never say that. That was merely a clone of me who's sole purpose was to hurt you, the same as that simulation they did for me," I said.
Lisa cried into my shoulder, soaking through the fabric on my shirt. Lisa didn't seem to question the simulation, but I don't ask her. Susan walked back in the room. She was carrying a tray containing soup and water.
"Sit," she ordered, staring at Lisa.
Once Lisa sat down, Susan put the tray in Lisa's lap.
"Eat, drink. You're gonna need it, you're weak," Susan said, smiling still.
We both watched as Lisa began to eat.
"So, what now?" I asked, thinking things through.

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