Fight It Out: Hunter

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I entered the simulation after Edwin and Lisa. There was cold wind around us. The sound of gunshot echoed around the city we were in.
"Where are we?" Lisa asked, looking at the destroyed city in front of us.
People were running around, shooting and mugging each other.
"A ghetto, otherwise known as a hood. Looks like these guys live on the bad side of the town, imbeciles," Edwin said in that condescending tone of his.
I don't personally want him here, but if we're far from Dygithal, he can help us navigate and escape the simulation faster. Though I'd happily shoot that I'm better than everyone grin off of his face.
"This is yellow. Stick close, lets just get out of here fast. We don't need anymore bullets in any of us, just them," I ordered, standing up and walking into the smashed up town.
It was like music, to hear the gunshots, the cheers of war, the yells of pain, the screams of death. Blood painted the ground and walls in crimson, with bodies littering the was like a beautiful work of art. I wish my simulation had been more like this. It would have been awesome.

After what felt like forever of walking in back alleys, we found the loft we were looking for. I knocked on the door then reached for my gun. The door opened to reveal a boy and girl holding onto their guns.
"Who are you?" the girl demanded, her hand over the trigger.
She was acting tough but I feel like she wasn't. She and the boy had a mixture of black and white hair. The boy had red eyes, while her eyes were blue. They both were wearing red and black clothes with many transitions of jewellery.
"Aww, darling, put down the gun unless you know how to use it," I chuckled.
The girl shot a bullet next to my foot.
"Who are you?" the boy repeated, pulling his gun to aim at Edwin.
I sighed inwardly. Again, I'd have to explain the same story of how the simulations and real world works in the lives they know.

"So you're here to rescue us?" the girl, named Anita, asked.
Lisa nodded, looking at the boy, Damian. I couldn't help but feel a small tug of jealousy.
"Well, how about we get out of here now, before someone shoots our brains out?" Edwin suggested sarcastically.
Damian shot him the I'm going to blow your brains out look, which made me smile. At least these two will be able to carry their weight.
"Lets go," I ordered, standing up.
Anita looked at us like we were insane.
"This town is right next to Dygithal. We just can't leave this city to go there," she said, looking at the ground, sadness forming in her voice and face.
Lisa and Edwin looked at her confused.
"Why the hell not?" Edwin asked, slightly annoyed.
Damian picked up his gun and walked to the door.
"The south siders own that part of town. To get out, we're going to have to run through a fire fight," he explained, tossing a gun to Edwin.
Edwin held the gun with a what do I do with this look on his face.
"Lets do it," I said, opening the door.

In minutes, we were running through the south side of town. Bullets were flying at us from all directions.
"Alex, stick close to me!" I ordered, shooting a guy in the head who was shooting at us from the left.
Edwin looked at me like I was a retard and I realized what I said.
"Who the fuck is Alex?" Lisa called from behind me.
I stopped running and turned to look at Lisa.
"My dead ex girlfriend," I replied in a harsh tone.
Lisa looked at me, obviously angry.
"You think I look like a dead girl? Is that why you like me, because I look like your ex?" she demanded, stopping her tracks.
Edwin looked at us panicked.
"Lisa, Hunter, we really don't have time for this," he said in a nervous tone.
We both turned to glare at him.
"You stay the fuck out of this!" Lisa and I hissed at him in unison.
Edwin shut his mouth and turned to look at Anita and Damian hopefully.

"Lisa, I don't like you because you look like her. I like you because you're sweet and kind, and I love you," I said, staring into Lisa's blue eyes.
She looked like she was on the verge of tears.
"Well that's obviously a lie, because other wise, you wouldn't relate me to her," she replied in almost a whisper.
Edwin looked terrified.
"Guys, the more we stand here and argue, the more likely we are going to die here. The chances already went up by like twenty percent!" he announced.
I shook my head and started to run back towards the exit. Lisa stood there, unsure on what to do. Damian grabbed Lisa's wrist and pulled her to catch up. We all ran and shot until we were safely out of the city.

Once we were outside, we all collapsed into the familiar field outside of Dygithal. Lisa was sayIng nothing, just looking at the grass. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't do it. Edwin looked at me with something behind his eyes. Remorse, sorrow, regret perhaps? Anita and Damian started kissing each other in the grass.
"I really didn't think we were going to be able to do this," Edwin said, panting.
I nodded, and began thinking. There had to be something for me to say to Lisa. Though that sentence just couldn't come to mind. Giving up, I stood up and walked down the road. "Where are you going?" Edwin called to me.
I turned back to look at him, my grey eyes going cold and stern again.
"I'm going to Dygithal," I replied in a growl.
Lisa, Anita, Edwin, and Damian all got up to follow me. Though Lisa still won't talk and keeps looking at the ground.

Shifted Reality Book One: Just AIOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz