What You've Done: Hunter

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Once we had collected Anita, and Damian, we headed outside to my car. It was a struggle to make everyone fit. I made the car speed away.
"God this is so slow," Keith said with a sigh.
I rolled my eyes and slammed my foot down on the gas. The tires screeched as we sped away. In less than an hour, we were pulling into the driveway of the manor. I opened the door, and held it open for Keith, Damian, Anita, Miranda, Bethany, Taylor, and Edwin. Tyson looked at us wide eyed.
"Deal with this," I ordered.
Tyson groaned and headed to his room to go grab his laptop.
"I'm going back to the simulations, left Lisa and one guy there, plus we have three more simulations to rescue," I called out, before climbing back into the car.

I pulled up outside the lab and felt a bad feeling tugging in my chest. Something was wrong. I don't know what it was, but something here definitely wasn't okay. Though I really couldn't put my finger on it. I walked into the lab and started heading towards the hideout that we had been using. Suddenly someone's hands grabbed my shoulders. I turned to grab my gun and shoot them.
"You may not want to do that," a scientist said behind me, watching as I stopped moving my hand.
I turned and glared at the scientist.
"What do you want?" I demanded, wanting to bury a bullet in this man's head.
Someone lifted the gun from the holster on my back and took it away from me. I was surrounded by scientists.
"We need to show you something," the one who had spoken before said, grabbing one of my wrists and pulling on it.

The scientists then huddled me into a dark room. All that was in the room was a chair and a TV screen.
"Sit," one of the scientists ordered before disappearing into the shadows of the room.
I don't know why I had cooperated with them this far. With my senses kicking in, I turned to glare at the scientists.
"Why should I?" I demanded, ready to kill them.
For that moment, there was silence. Suddenly, I heard Lisa's scream behind me. I whirled around to see the screen on.
"Hunter! Help!" Lisa screamed from the screen.
She was unarmed and bloodied. A scientist pushed on my shoulders, forcing me to sit. I was in complete shock. Why do they have Lisa on screen? I felt someone cuff my wrists to the chair.
"Lisa," I whispered breathily.
The scientists smirked and laughed quietly. The man who had repeatedly raped Lisa suddenly walked into the shot.
"No. Get away! Hunter please! Help me!" Lisa screamed.
I was unable to help her. Lisa was there, defenceless, and I can't save her. I'm forced to watch another love of my life die, while I can do nothing to save them.

The man stripped Lisa down to nothing, then began slapping her repeatedly until she fell into the bed in the room.
"Please, stop it," she cried.
I stared at the screen, disbelief and horror forming on my face.
"Stop!" I yelled at the scientists, only to hear laughter as a response.
Lisa screamed again, begging for me to come save her. I couldn't do anything. I felt a sudden sharp pain in my neck, but dismissed it as nothing.
"Hunter! Ow. Please stop! Hunter help me!" she screamed, shaking like a leaf as the man began to rape her slowly.
I felt my hands clench into fists.
"Let her go!" I growled.
The scientists just laughed, then continued to watch Lisa struggle on the screen. A pool of blood was forming between her legs from under the man.
"I said let her go!" I repeated, feeling my anger rising.
The only response was just continued laughter.

"Hunter! Please, help me!" Lisa screamed, begging for me to be there.
The man slapped her hard. It was so hard, that we could hear it.
"He's not here to help you, you get to enjoy this until I kill you!" the man declared, pulling out a knife.
I felt my body's shaking. My anger was rising. If the scientists didn't stop soon, everyone in this room is going to be a dead man.
"Please....stop....Hunter....help..." Lisa cried, her calls getting weaker and weaker.
The man took his knife and plunged it into Lisa's chest.
"Hunter!" she called, one last time before going limp.
The life fled her eyes as the man cleaned himself up then left her. I was left, staring at Lisa's lifeless body on the screen. There was a knife sticking out of her chest, with a crimson circle appearing in her clothing around it. Blood pooled under her crotch.

Something in me snapped. I pulled up sharply, breaking the cuffs that held me to the chair. The scientists began scrambling for their forms of defence. I grabbed my gun from the scientist that had taken it from me in the first place. He stared at me terrified as I took the gun and hit him over the head with the stock. His body crumpled to the ground. I aimed my gun at his head then shot his brains out. Splattering the blood and organs across the floor and walls. "You bastards, you killed her!" I yelled, turning to the next scientist. Severely outnumbered, but not outmatched. The scientists had horror in their eyes. They knew that today, was going to be their last days alive. I aimed my gun and easily shot my target in both his eyes, plus his chest. Without hesitation, I kept shooting, aiming one by one, easily taking my victims out. Their screams of death is something I will remember for ever. The day I killed the bastards who killed my loves. The day I took away the lives of the ones who took Alex and Lisa from me. Their blood and bodies painted the room like a work of art. I decided to keep one man alive to carry a message. I shot the man in his legs and arms, forcing him to become immobile.
"Take this message to your bosses. Fuck with me again, and I will end all of you!" I ordered with a growl, my tone getting harsher and harsher.
Their lives mean nothing to me. What they have done cannot be justified. I have no mercy, no forgiveness, no worry, no care for them. Their lives are worthless. Without another word or action, I walked out of the room, heading towards the safe room.

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