Information: Lisa

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That night, a chef bought in three silver trays with lids over top. He laid the trays on the table, in front of us, took the lids then left. I looked down at the tray to see a dish of spaghetti with a white sauce and meatballs on top.
"What is this?" I asked, pointing at the sauce.
Tyson looked at Hunter with an are you serious right now face. Hunter sighed and tasted the sauce quickly.
"Cheese sauce, it's good," he announced, smiling.
I picked up the fork and began eating the food.

"So, Lisa, my brother said Jonathan couldn't find the files that contained your information. So I was wondering, do you want me to look into hacking in and finding any files on you?" Tyson asked.
I flinched at the mention of Jonathan. The thought of knowing who I was, sounded cool, though it would be difficult if I still had family alive somewhere. I felt a weird sudden pain in my stomach that made me drop the fork in my hand. Hunter studied me curiously, before flipping his hair to cover his scar once again.
"May I be excused?" I asked hopefully.
Frustrated and confused, Tyson nodded. I got up and left the table.

I went to the room that I had been showed to earlier and laid on the bed. I clutched my stomach and shuddered. There was yelling down the hall from the dining room, but I chose to ignore it. I got up and ran to the bathroom. The yelling ended and silence fell over the manor. Without meaning to, I felt a burning sensation tingle the back of my throat. I leaned over the toilet and puked. My whole body felt hot as I felt more vomit come from my mouth.

There was a knock on the bedroom door that I couldn't respond to. All I could do was bite my lip before I puked again. Hunter opened the door and walker over to me.
"Lisa, you okay?" he asked, staring at my pale face and vomit soaked lips.
I felt myself needing to puke again. As I turned to face the toilet, Hunter held my hair back. I puked again and again until the contractions of my stomach, the pain, and the burning sensation was gone. Hunter picked me up and laid me down on the bed. He felt that I was burning up a lot, then quickly left the room.

Hunter returned with an ice pack, a maid, and his brother. Tyson was holding a laptop. He sat down in the corner, set up the laptop, then began wildly typing. The maid went in the bathroom then started cleaning. Hunter sat down next to me on the bed, then laid the ice pack on my head. I sighed and shivered slightly.
"Every experiment had part of it's body experimented on during the process, like they did a lot to my brain. Not enough to damage me, but enough to make me paranoid. I'm not quite sure what they did to you," he whispered, stroking my hair.
I whimpered and shivered again, though my body was probably burning, I felt like ice. It was driving me insane to have cold on me when I felt like I needed heat.

Tyson looked up from the computer, at me.
"Project Grey, experiment two, Lisa. Female, age fifteen. Only living relatives are an uncle and niece, live on a farm not far from here," Tyson read aloud.
Hunter glanced at me then over at his brother.
"What was her secondary experiment done while she was in the simulation?" Hunter asked curiously, slight worry showing in his eyes.
Tyson began typing wildly.
"Experiment Grey provided us with improved technology that allowed us to complete Experiment Black. Experiment Grey had their stomach and lungs removed, then cloned. A clone was placed into their body to see the effects. The clones were mostly successful, with little defects. Hardly any trouble occurred with breathing. Though the stomach did not allow most foods to be digested properly, that led to the food being rejected by the body, which put the subject through pain and caused them to puke, even under the influence of the simulations. Experiment Grey led us soon to create a full clone of a person in Experiment Black. The defects that the Greys went through, allowed us to perfect and delete them to create the perfect clones in Experiment Black," Tyson explained, his eyes never leaving his computer screen.

Part of my body isn't mine, well it is, and it isn't. My lungs and stomach are only duplicates of my real lungs and stomach. I was defected, broken, unperfect. Same with Jonathan. He may not have had a stomach, but he did have guts. Taking a bullet for Hunter, only to hope he would be able to save me in that time, it might have been the bravest things he had ever done. To be honest, through all the shit he out Hunter and I through back in the simulations, I respect him for taking a bullet for the slight chance to save both mine and Hunter's lives. Though I guess, it didn't matter what I though of him now. It only really mattered that I can remember him with respect and not just as the dick he was in those last few days that I knew him.

Hunter began thinking to himself quietly.
"Pull up Experiment Red quick!" Hunter ordered, his eyes widening as he got an idea.
Tyson typed and read the screen quietly. His eyes widened as he found information that was not present before.
"White for the prototype, Grey for the improvements, Black for the perfects, Red for the improved speed, Orange for the improved intelligence, Yellow for the improved strength, Green for the improved body, Blue for the improved combat, Indigo for the finalized models, Purple for the perfect subjects," he read aloud, confused.
Hunter and I began piecing the puzzle together. Suddenly it hit me, my eyes widened as my gaze met Hunter's.
"They're not just making clones, they're building a perfect army," I whispered breathlessly.

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