Never Ending: Lisa

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I lay alone, in my bed. Hunter had left the room shortly after our conversation. Tyson left me to sleep, then returned to his bedroom at the other side of the manor. I couldn't sleep and soon found myself slipping on my grey, worn shoes, then walking outside. The evening air was warm, yet cold at the same time. The smell of flowers ran thick in the air. I walked around nervously as I went to get some fresh air and come to terms with the last few days.

While I was walking, I found an overgrown path up into the woods, and decided to take it. After a while, the woods led to a clearing. I looked to see Hunter kneeling by a tombstone, laying flowers over it. I hid behind a tree and watched curiously. Hunter sat there, sad, for quite some time. I felt bad for him, though I couldn't read the tombstone. Once the sun had set, and darkness cast over the forest, Hunter left, heading past my hiding spot, back to the manor. Out of curiousity, I came closer to the tombstone. There was dirt coating a small area with words carved into it. I dusted the words out to see a name.
"Alex Jade Kana," I read aloud.
My thoughts flew as I began to think. Soon, it hit me. Without anymore words or thoughts, I returned to the manor.

The lights in the manor were all out, and the halls were silent. I slipped off my shoes and tiptoed back to my room. Once I was inside, I sighed with relief and threw myself down onto the bed. The dress I was wearing was starting to seem uncomfortable. I took the dress off and changed for a pair of shorts and a large shirt from the closet. Once I laid back down on the bed, my thoughts ran blank. The minute my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep.

I saw it so many times. Jonathan's attempt at beating me, the glitches trying to drown me, the rapists from the dance club, the crash, the scientists, the bullet through Jonathan's chest, the operating table. Through the whole thing, I may have been locked in a simulation, yet I can picture it vividly. My body, cut open. My lungs and stomach being pulled out. My heart stopping from the lack of oxygen from my body. Being dead, trapped. Then suddenly, I get new lungs and a new stomach. My life returns, only to find part of me duplicated. Nothing real. Even in reality, I am fake. Then the image of Jonathan's dead body flashed into my mind. Still, unmoving, lifeless. My heart started wishing for that to change.

He stood up and walked towards me. Jonathan grabbed me by the throat and began slamming me into the wall. He said nothing as he choked me, beat me, and hurt me.
"Just relax and enjoy yourself Lisa," he hissed, pinning me against the wall, and ripping my clothes off.
I tried to scream, but his hands tightened around my throat, making it impossible. Jonathan continued to hurt me and began pushing himself against me. I cried for help. Hunter burst through the door, only for Jonathan to suddenly grab a gun and put a bullet in Hunter's head. Tears flowed down my cheeks freely, driving me to insanity. As Jonathan finished his fun with me, he rose the gun to my head and pulled the trigger, ending me.

My eyes flew open to see the dark room of the manor around me. My cheeks were wet with tears. My whole body was shaking, and my heart was racing. I breathed rapidly and blinked away tears. The silence around me made the pounding of my heart in my ears seem louder. I walked into the bathroom and rinsed my face with the cool water. Once I had collected myself, I lay back down in bed. It was two in the morning, and I couldn't sleep. The nightmare overwhelmed me, yet laying alone and safe made me feel a longing, and loneliness. I knew exactly where I needed to go. Being as quiet as possible, I got up from my room, then left to go down the hall.

I walked up to Hunter's door and knocked gently. Loud enough so that if he was awake, he'll hear it. Yet quiet enough that if he was asleep, it wouldn't wake him.
"Come in," Hunter's tired voice called through the door.
I opened the door, then shut it behind me.
"Lisa, what's wrong?" Hunter asked, sitting up in his bed and looking at me.
I blinked back tears as the images from my nightmare flashed back into my mind. At the moment, I was glad there was darkness that I could use as a cloak to my emotions.
"I couldn't sleep," I whispered almost silently.

Hunter lifted up his arm, causing his blankets to lift as well, inviting me to crawl into his bed with him. I got into the bed and laid next to Hunter. His gaze met mine through the dark.
"You've been crying," he announced.
I sighed and leaned into Hunter.
"I had a nightmare," I muttered, mad at myself.
To my surprise, Hunter's arms wrapped around me, he held me close and stroked my hair.
"Lisa, don't worry, I understand. Yesterday was a tough set of times to go through. It's normal for this kind of thing to happen," he said soothingly.
I felt tears forming in my eyes. Without thinking, I buried my face into Hunter's chest and began crying. He stroked my hair and hummed something softly.

"You can sleep in here, with me, if you'd like, I mean if it would make sleeping easier for you tonight," Hunter offered, wrapping his strong arms tighter around me.
I could feel my face resting over his heart.
"Thank you," I whispered as Hunter laid down on his back.
Hunter said nothing and stared at the ceiling. Without really thinking, I rested my head over Hunter's heart and my hand on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm that I was laying on around me.
"Goodnight Lisa," he said gently as my eyes closed. Listening to Hunter's heart beat drove me to relax. This soon led to me entering a long, dreamless, sleep.

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