Again: Lisa

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We soon pulled over and once again, went into a store and robbed the joint. Hunter got a new pair of sweatpants, a new shirt, a black jacket that he refused to wear right now, and some more boxers. The little girls got dresses, ones that they could easily move in. I got myself a black, long shirt, grey leggings, a black jacket, and a bag to stuff food and water into. Once we were packed up, we ran from the store. Hunter shot any AI that he thought was about to try kill us.

I began thinking things through. Even though this is a simulation, and she wasn't real, I can't stop feeling guilty about shooting that woman. Hunter shoots people without hesitation. He kills without any reason. I honestly don't know how he can do it. If I was him, I would hate myself by now for the innocent blood on my hands. If I had killed a real person, the guilt would have drove me insane. Though I guess I really don't know what's going on in that mind of Hunter's

"Lisa," Bethany called from the back of the car.
I turned in my seat to look at her. She and Miranda were shaking like leaves. The heating in the car that Hunter and I had taken was very obviously broken, and with the dark clouds, heavy rain, and harsh winds outside, it's kind of obvious that this car is awfully cold.
"Here, lay under these," I offered, handing Bethany the jackets that Hunter and I got.
She placed my jacket onto Miranda then curled up into Hunter's jacket. I smiled at the sight. It was like having daughters or sisters. They rely on you, and you have to care for them. I rested my head against the window of the car, and let the sound of rain lull me to sleep.

"For fucks sake! Not again!" Hunter yelled angrily.
My eyes flew open to see a car coming straight for us.
"Hunter turn!" I screeched, waking up the girls.
They looked at us, groggily. Their little eyes filled with horror as the giant car continued coming straight for us.
"The tires are locked. Only way out of this is jump," Hunter explained.
I thought fast then undid my seat belt.
"Hunter jump out, I'll get the girls out and you need to get them off the road," I said, planning swiftly in my mind.
Hunter jumped out of the car and rolled across the road until he stopped. I climbed into the back seats of the car. The girls were shaking in fear. I opened up the driver's side back door.
"Okay, Bethany, be careful, trust Hunter," I ordered, undoing her belt.
The other car was approaching fast as I pushed Bethany out the door. Hunter dashed forward and caught Bethany before she hit the ground. Miranda looked at me, terrified.
"Just trust us," I whispered soothingly.
The car that was coming too close for comfort. I pushed Miranda out of the car, giving Hunter barely enough time to grab her and get both the girls out of the road. I went to jump, but I was too late. The car slammed into our car.
"Lisa!" I heard Hunter yell, before everything went black.

I woke up on the ceiling of the inside of the car. There was smashed glass and our stuff everywhere. I groaned as I looked around. The car had obviously flipped into a ditch. I looked panicked as I tried to open the door. It was jammed and I couldn't open it.
"Hunter," I called out weakly. There was silence, I laid my head down on my hands. My whole body felt heavy. Was this really the second time I had been in a crash and gotten hurt?

I heard footsteps, the sounds getting increasingly louder as the distance between me and their creator decreased.
"Oh fuck, Lisa," Hunter said as he got close to the flipped car.
I lifted my head up groggily to look at him. He began pulling on the door handle. Finally, it gave and the door opened.
"Lisa?" he called into the vehicle cautiously as his eyes darted around, looking for me.
His eyes fell on me and he sighed with relief. I saw Miranda and Bethany standing at the top of the ditch, staring down at the crashed car in horror. I grabbed my bag and the jackets then handed them to Hunter.
"We need these things," I whispered breathily.
Hunter tossed them aside, then grabbed onto my wrists. He pulled me out of the car, cautiously trying to not cut me on broken glass.
"You okay?" he asked, trying to pull me up to stand.
I was dizzy for a moment, then nodded.
"You're so lucky," he said, hugging his arms around me.
I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed with relief. He was debating something, I could tell.
"Lisa and Hunter sitting in a tree K I S S I N G!" Miranda and Bethany sang in unison.

I felt my cheeks feeling hot, it was so obvious that I was blushing.
"You feeling okay? Your cheeks are bright red," Hunter said with a slight smirk.
I sighed and nodded.
"C'mon, lets go find somewhere to sleep and a new car to hitch a ride in," I ordered in an almost silent whisper.
Hunter nodded and began to help me climb out of the ditch. Though there was a giant crash, I survived with hardly any damage. Though I guess even if I got hurt in here, it won't effect me in the real world. The only thing that could effect me, from what Hunter has told me, is death. I'm not dead, and I intend to keep it this way. Though if I can, I will put Hunter's, Miranda's, Bethany's, and any of the other experiments's lives in front of mine. If I'm going to die, I want to fight for their lives, and their freedoms of the damn AI that shapes our world.

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