Lost: Lisa

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I woke up to the sounds of a car engine and arguing.
"I've gotten further with her in two days than you have since you were what? Six?" Hunter's voice said.
There was silence for a few seconds.
"Shut up! She's mine, you bastard. Once we're out of here, I'm taking Lisa and going far away from you!" Jonathan hissed.
I opened my eyes to see I was laying in the back seats of a car. Hunter and Jonathan were arguing in the front seats over various things. As I sat up, I felt a sharp pain in my head that made me bite my lip. I looked down to see my clothes had changed and I had a jacket draped over me as a blanket. There was a sound of wind outside the window. I glanced out to see that we were driving on the highway again. Though I didn't understand why we were in a car and not on Jonathan's motorcycle.

"Hello?" I yawned quietly, leaning my head against the back of the passenger seat where Hunter was sat.
Hunter turned and smiled at me.
"Hey, you're awake. How do you feel?" he asked as he leaned forward and started rummaging through a plastic bag.
I looked at Jonathan who was being silent and watching the road, never breaking his gaze.
"My head hurts, and I'm really confused," I said, looking around me.
Hunter handed me a bottle of water, a pain killer, and a small paper bag that had a bagel with jam and a cookie inside. I smiled and took the items.
"The people who run this place. They're on to us. They tried to crash us to get us to stop trying. They might give up now that they've actually hurt you, but they may kill you if it means you won't escape. As for now being in a car, the motorcycle was trashed, so we stole this," Hunter explained as I popped the pain killer in my mouth and gulped down some water.

I began to think as I started to eat the food Hunter gave me. They would risk killing their little experiments they worked so hard on acquiring. It's kind of weird to think about, in a little way, it feels wrong. Though I doubt Hunter knows why. I feel like he wouldn't keep secrets from us, because we mean something to him, he wants to get us out. It would be just stupid for him to keep a secret that could mean our lives to us.

As I snapped out of thought, I realized we had pulled up into a large city.
"Well you two, welcome to Dygithal!" Hunter said, looking at the amazing city.
There were skyscrapers and many buildings everywhere. The roads were littered with cars and people. This city was incredible. I've never seen anything like it.
"Is Dygithal the same in every simulation?" I asked curiously as someone waved at me from the street.
Hunter nodded and grabbed his gun. Eventually, we ran out of road.
"We've gotta walk from here, to the exit point, I'd say by this time tomorrow, we'll be in reality," Hunter announced with a grin, lifting a back pack filled with plastic bags containing food and clothes onto his back, as well as the holster for his shot gun.
As I stepped out of the car, I felt myself feeling dizzy. As I was about to fall, Hunter caught onto me.
"Don't over work yourself," he ordered standing me up again.

Hunter led us through the city to a hotel.
"We've got some money left, lets have a good night tonight, to celebrate tomorrow's escape!" Hunter said as he went up to the counter of the hotel.
He booked us in a five star suite with two beds, a flat screen tv, and a large bed. We ordered room service to bring us an expensive dinner. The food was incredible and the room was like nothing I had ever seen before. After dinner, Jonathan settled down to watch a movie.
"Hunter. Do you know anything cool we can do in this city?" I asked hopefully, putting on my boots and slipping a knife into them.
Hunter nodded.
"There's a dance club not far from here. We can go there. Jonathan, wanna come?" he asked.
Jonathan shook his head. Hunter walked over to Jonathan and handed him a pistol.
"If anything happens, get out, try find us at this address," Hunter ordered, handing Jonathan the address for the dance club.
I grinned as Hunter and I left, leaving the hotel and walking to the dance club.

When we finally got in, I realized how packed the dance club was. Hunter led me to the dance floor and we began dancing. The loud music echoed around me. I couldn't help but lose myself in it. Realizing that he had probably lost me for a few hours, Hunter went to the bar to get a drink. I felt the energy of the people around me, and let it rush off onto me. Letting the music bring me to life.
"Hello, pretty lady," someone said behind me.

I turned to see three men. All of them grinning. The shortest man was stuffing something into his pocket.
"Uh, hi?" I whispered, nervously.
I didn't like the look of these men. Suddenly, they grabbed me. They began leading me away, taking me to the backroom. The room had a few smoke machines and extra speakers and lights inside. Other than that, the room was empty. The biggest man pushed me to the ground and grinned.
"You're ours now, beautiful," he hissed. The two smaller men snickered then left the room.
I reached to my boot, to realize my knife was gone. That must have been what the shortest man had stuffed in his pocket earlier.

The man left with me began to take off my clothes. I struggled and tried to call out for Hunter, but the music in the club was too loud for anyone to hear my calls. The man stripped me down, naked, then started to take off his clothes. As much as I screamed, no one came to my aid. I tried to struggle, but the larger man was stronger, and could hold me down to control me. The man began kissing me, rubbing every inch of my body with his hands. I could feel him getting closer and closer to me. I let out one last scream as I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. The extreme pain in my head returned and I felt my consciousness fading. Just as I slipped into nothingness, I heard the loud, familiar bang of Hunter's shot gun.

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