So Close: Lisa

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I woke up to see the little girls standing over Hunter. Miranda looked at me and pressed her finger to her lip. I slipped out of the bed and watched the girls. They sat right over Hunter's face, smiling. Suddenly, they screamed loudly. Hunter's eyes flew open and he flipped out a knife then held it to Bethany's throat. Miranda fell off the bed and yelped.
"Hunter! Calm down! It's just Bethany!" I screeched.
Hunter slowly pushed Bethany away until she fell off the bed and onto the floor.
"Don't do that, or I might flip out and kill you through instincts," he hissed, stretching.
I sighed and looked at the girls who were climbing up into their own bed.

Hunter stood up and went into the bathroom. I opened the curtains, lighting up the motel room with bright morning sunlight. The girls smiled at me as I walked over to my bag and pulled out some food.
"Eat up," I ordered, handing them both some cookies.
I ate a cookie myself, and watched the bathroom door. Hunter finally came out. He smiled and walked over to me. I had a cookie in my mouth, which he happily took out then ate.
"Hey!" I whined.
The little girls laughed adorably. Hunter poked my nose then grabbed his stuff.
"So, we're going to Dygithal today, come on girls," he said, grabbing the keys to the car we stole last night.

The girls nervously climbed into the beat up, rusted car. I got in the front with Hunter.
"We're going fast today, I want to get out of here," Hunter explained, slamming his foot down on the pedal.
The tires screeched before the car sped off. We headed back onto the highway and drove fast. Soon, we were at the entrance of Dygithal. I looked up to see the busy city. People were rushing everywhere.
"You really meant it when you said Dygithal was the same in every simulation..huh?" I questioned, eyeing down the woman who owned the dance club from the last simulation.
Hunter nodded and drove until the point that we had to pull over.
"Okay girls, keep up," Hunter ordered as he climbed out of the beaten up car we had driven here.

We walked around the town, heading towards the exit point. Bethany was clinging to Hunter's leg, while Miranda was looking at everything in amazement. Hunter's eyes darted down to Bethany. He rolled his eyes and did his best to keep walking even though he had a girl holding onto his leg. I looked around, looking at the familiar buildings. Soon, I spotted the hotel that we had been staying at before, with Jonathan. As I saw it, I felt a slight pain in my heart. My eyes darted to the ground, I watched the floor as I walked, refusing to think about Jonathan anymore. He's gone, and there's nothing that can change that, ever. Everything in my heart wished that he was here, walking with us right now. Just Jonathan, Hunter, and I, working together to save lives. Though that could never happen now. My eyes darted up to look at Hunter. He was rushing, obviously desperate to get rid of these girls and move onto the next simulation already. I must admit, though these kids are cute, they are annoying. It's amazing to see Hunter some how managing to put up with them for this long. I have to admit, I'm proud of him for that.

I felt someone bump into my shoulder, a hand grabbed onto my chest and span me around. My eyes darted up to see unfortunately, a familiar face. It was the man from the last simulation. The man who had raped me until I was unconscious. I tried to scream but nothing came out. The man pulled onto my wrists, pulling me towards his two friends. I looked around panicked. As much as I looked, I couldn't find Hunter anywhere. My heart pounded, and I struggled to keep my breathing remotely under control.
"You're coming with us to be our new toy!" he announced, fighting my struggles.
The man pulled harder on my wrists, causing one hand to slip from his grip. I couldn't think, I could hardly react. So before the rapist man could grab onto my wrist again, I reached for my hand gun. I hardly aimed as I brought the gun up to the man's chest and pulled the trigger. The man's eyes widened as he fell on top of me. The dead man was heavy. As I tried to struggle free, I realized that I couldn't.
"Bitch!" I heard the other men yell.
The men were rushing towards me, guns in hand. I didn't have long to respond. Trying as hard as I could, I pulled the hand with my gun free and aimed at the man who was racing towards me. I pulled the trigger and watched as his body fell, dead. The other man grabbed onto my gun and tried to rip it from my hands. I struggled as much as I could and tried to pull the trigger.
"Let go of the gun you little whore!" the man ordered, pulling out his gun.

The man aimed his gun at me as he fought for my gun. There was no time to respond. We both pulled our triggers at the same time. I flinched and gasped as I felt a burning pain in the bit of my chest that was sticking out under the dead man's shoulder. The man I had shot fell to the ground. There was a bullet buried in the space between his heart and his throat. Not responding to my own pain, I aimed and pulled the trigger, putting a bullet in the man's head and watching the life flee his eyes. I dropped my gun and closed my eyes, everything felt empty except for the burning pain in my upper chest.
"Lisa!" I heard Hunter yell from a distance.
With that, everything faded to dark and silence. My consciousness melting away like ice in the sun.

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