Even If It Means Killing Us: Jonathan

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I drove the motorcycle faster along the highway, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in my bruised wrist. What Hunter did to me this morning was beginning to hurt like hell. Lisa sat behind me in silence, shaking. I began questioning to myself what was going on in her head. Even though I almost hit her this morning, I don't feel guilty. Maybe it's the fact I feel like she's cheating on me. I know so far it's just been stares, talking, sharing food, and leaning on each other. Though that's how it starts. Next thing I know, they'll be kissing and having sex behind my back. Another reason to not trust that psychotic bastard.

Hunter aimed his gun at a deer that was walking on the side of the road. There was a loud bang that made me jump and swerve the motorcycle a little bit.
"Bullseye," Hunter said as the bullet went through the deer's eye, causing it to collapse dead.
I felt Lisa tense behind me. We slipped back into the awkward silence that had been since before Hunter shot the deer. Finally, driven mad, I decided to break the silence.

"How far away from Dygithal are we?" I asked curiously.
Lisa sighed with relief as the silence was broken. Hunter looked around and blinked.
"I'd say another day on foot, maybe half a day on the bike," he explained, grinning.
Suddenly, out of no where, a car formed on the empty road in front of us and slammed into the bike. Hunter jumped off just in time. I flew up onto the hood of the car and I didn't see where Lisa ended up. The car sped up until it disappeared, a kilometre away from where they hit the motorcycle. I fell onto the ground with a thud and flinched.
"What in hell just happened!?" I yelled, confused.

I pulled myself up and started to walk towards Hunter. As I looked around, I noticed I was walking with a slight limp and that across the road was scattered parts of broken motorcycle. After a while, I finally reached Hunter. He was kneeling on the side of the road, a little torn up clothes wise, but other than that, barely scratched. Hunter stood up, fixed his cowboy hat on his head, and looked around. Suddenly, his eyes landed on a small heap in the middle of the road. Lisa.

We got up and ran over to her. She had blood on the back of her head and was laying still.
"Is she...?" I began, not being able to finish as I noticed her chest not rising and falling.
Hunter kneeled down next to her and placed his hand against her neck and the other up against her mouth and nose.
"Just unconscious," he said as he pulled his hands away from her.
I sighed with relief and began to think. What in hell just happened?

Hunter scooped Lisa up and then stood.
"Give me that!" I ordered, ripping Lisa from his arms.
She whimpered in my arms.
"What in fuck do you think you were doing anyways?" Hunter demanded.
I bit my lip to keep from cussing him out.
"Not my fault, one minute I'm driving, next, there is a car in front of me when there wasn't before. I didn't purposely crash," I explained.
Hunter looked at Lisa and frowned.
"There on to us, they're going to do everything in their power to keep us in here, even if that means killing us," he announced.
I tried to hold back my frustrations as Hunter thought for a moment.

"We need to get out of here, now more than ever," Hunter announced, walking towards the direction we had been driving before.
I quickly limped forward, carrying Lisa.
"Where do you think you're going?" I demanded.
Hunter turned to look at me.
"First, to get her help, second, to Dygithal to get you two the fuck out of here," he said as he continued walking.
I hurried to follow, wishing we still had the bike.

Hunter looked sideways at me to notice I was limping. He lifted Lisa from my arms and carried her carefully.
"It's easier on you if I take her. You're hurt, I'm not," Hunter said quietly.
I sighed and nodded. Hunter was right and I hate to admit it. We walked in an awkward silence down the road until we reached a motel.
"Tonight, we're doing this my way, okay?" Hunter asked.
I nodded as he sat Lisa in my arms. Hunter walked into the check in of the motel, holding his gun. There was a loud bang, then silence.

Hunter walked out, a little blood on his clothes, gun, first aid kit, keys, and money in hand.
"We have a car, money for food and new clothes, something to patch ourselves up, and a room for a night," he explained, opening a motel room door.
I walked in and laid Lisa down on the bed. She was pale and shaking. Sadly, she was still unconscious, her breathing was growing more and more rapid. I pulled the blanket over her and sat down on the edge of the bed.
"I'm going to get clothes from the gift shop next door, be right back," Hunter announced, putting everything down except his gun and money.

After what felt like forever, I decided to deal with my throbbing ankle and wrist. I found bandages in the first aid kit and quickly wrapped my bruised wrist. Once I was done with my wrist, I looked down at my ankle. The muscle was swollen and the skin bruised. I quickly wrapped it up, trying not to flinch. Just as I finished fixing myself up, the door opened and Hunter walked in.
"Back," he announced, dropping four bags, his shot gun, and a pistol on the floor.

Hunter's eyes darted to me, then Lisa.
"You didn't think to help her did you?" he asked, face palming.
I shrugged and frowned. Hunter handed me a bag and shoved me into the bathroom. Inside the bag was clean clothes. A pair of black sneakers, sweatpants, a white shirt, and a black jacket. I quickly stripped and took off the bandages. Then shoved the clothes in the garbage. I jumped in the shower, using the complementary soap and shampoo to clean myself before getting dressed and redoing the bandages I had on before.

When I stepped out of the bathroom. Hunter had stripped Lisa, and was cleaning up the cut on the back of her head. I looked to see bruises all up Lisa's chest, arms, and legs. Hunter bandaged up her head and the worst of the injuries over her body.
"Can you go run a bath quick, then hand me the bag of girls clothes?" he asked.
I did as told and watched as Hunter bathed Lisa, then dressed her in the new clothes he had bought her. Lisa now wore black leggings, a short black dress with a star on the chest in rhinestones, plus a black jacket, and black knee high lace up boots. We laid Lisa on the bed carefully. Hunter cleaned up then went to take a shower and get dressed into clean clothes. While I waited for him to come back, I turned on the tv quietly and tried to find a show to watch.

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