Dawn Of A New Day: Lisa

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I woke up early to sunlight coming through the thin curtains and warming my cheek. Today was the last day of school before the three month long break between June and September. I stood up and tiredly walked to my bathroom, yawning. My blonde hair was matted into a large knot. My usually piercing blue eyes were just dull from just waking up. I quickly slipped off the bra and underwear that I slept in and slipped them into my wash basket. Today was going to be a great day. My best friend Jonathan and I both turn fifteen tonight at seven. We're going to have a pool party with our friends in Jonathan's yard. I began thinking about our plans as I climbed into the shower and began to clean myself.

While I began to get dressed, my mind slipped to the nightmare I had woken up from earlier on in the night. A man stood over me in a lab coat. He injected me with many substances and all I could do was struggle and scream. The man then sedated me. I've gotten this nightmare over and over for as long as I can remember. My earliest memory was when I was six years old, which I find strange, but I ignore that fact and just say I am a child with bad memory. I look at myself in the mirror again. My blonde hair shone slightly with the light gleaming off the glossy wet strands of hair. My eyes had a slight sparkle behind them. I looked at the make up box next to the sink, shook my head and walked away. Since day one, I've always hated make up. It always seemed like a lie, made up to cover up who you really are. It's fake, and I despise it.

Once I was dressed in my usual skinny jeans and shirt, I went downstairs for breakfast. My mother stood over the stove, flipping pancakes in a sizzling pan. I looked around the kitchen swiftly. A container with a sandwich in it lay next to my school bag. My dog Shay bounded up to me and barked, behind her came my little sister Penny.
"G'morning girls," my father said as he walked down the stairs behind me.
Penny picked up Shay and stroked her gently.
"Good morning father," Penny and I said in unison.
He smiled and kissed my mother's cheek.
"Can't stay babe, I'm late for work, have a good day," my father called as he left, slamming the front door behind him.
My mother finished cooking two large pancakes and placed them on plates. I took Shay from Penny and let Shay roam free. My mother placed the pancakes onto the table.
"Eat up girls," she said as she went to cook her own pancake.
The pancake was warm and the thick, smooth syrup was sweet as I swallowed, leaving an amazing taste tingling in my mouth. I loved my mother's pancake, they are always amazing, without fail.

Penny was only four years old and too young to go to school, so I walked to school alone. Seeing that being alone for a twenty minute walk is boring, I went to Jonathan's house. As I reached the front step, the door flew open.
"Fuck you old man!" Jonathan yelled as he walked out of the door, aggressively slamming the door shut behind him.
I looked up at him, concerned. Jonathan's face instantly changed into a smile.
"There's my favourite girl!" he announced with that heart melting grin of his.
Jonathan had chocolate brown hair, tan skin, and blue eyes like an ocean, unlike my crystal blue eyes. His eyes were warm and inviting, while mine were cold and off putting as well as piercing. The first thing anyone ever seems to notice when they first meet me are my eyes. Sometimes I hate it, but sometimes it can bail me out of problems. I shook my head to get out of my thoughts.
"Hey, ready to go?" I asked hopefully.

Jonathan and I walked up the street together towards the school.
"I got you a birthday present," he explained as he pulled a small black box from his pocket.
I blushed slightly.
"Your present is back home, I was going to give it to you tonight...." I whispered in a muttering way.
Jonathan laughed and stopped me from walking, then slipped the box into my hands. Hope filled his eyes.
"Open it now," he begged, smiling at me with that heart melting smile of his again.
I slowly opened the box to reveal a silver bracelet. Inscribed on the bracelet was a sentence.
"I only want one gift in this world, your heart," I read aloud, my heart pounding as I read.
Jonathan took the bracelet from the box and put it around my wrist.
"So, would you..?" he asked hesitantly.
Still half in shock, I instantly hugged my arms around him and nodded. Jonathan gently kissed my forehead.
"I love you, so much," he whispered as he hugged me and stroked my back.
I looked up at Jonathan, his eyes were gleaming, sparkling in a way I had never seen before.
"I love you too," I replied as I kissed his chin.

Jonathan had been my best friend for years, were really changing that for love? Is love really what we are? Jonathan has been my closest friend in this world. Compared to everyone, he's his own person. For as long as I can remember, everyone has seemed like robots. They never break rules, never seem to fight, they always do what they're supposed to, staying the same emotional level. Some days I wonder are they even human. The only people who are individuals in this world seem to be Jonathan, Penny, and myself. Penny's emotions and personality changes like the flick of a light switch. This is so strange to our monotone mother and our giddy, never depressed father. I like Penny being who she is though, I never want her to change, she's an amazing sister and I love her about as much as I love Jonathen. I would die for both Penny and Jonathan any day. They are my life.

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