A New Beginning: Hunter

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I watched as Lisa fell asleep in my arms. She reminded me so much of Alex. God how I missed Alex. Even though Alex is gone, I still feel like she's here, living through Lisa. They both get happy the same way, they look similar, they act similar, and they both seem to know how to make me happy. Even though I miss Alex, I'm glad I have Lisa now. As Lisa lay in my arms, asleep, I couldn't help myself. I planted a kiss on Lisa's head. She shivered in my arms, causing me to pull her closer. I pulled the blankets around us and watched Lisa sleep for a short while. After a while, I drifted off into a long sleep.
The next week or so passed quite fast, with Lisa get stronger every day. She could now shoot a gun alone, without effects to the knock back, and hardly missed. She was good at hand to hand combat and good with a knife. Once Lisa was trained, I decided, we were ready. We armed ourselves then got into my car. Swiftly I drove Lisa to the lab.
"Okay, once we're in there, stay close until we get to the safe room. As for once we're in the simulation, it should be safe. Just be careful, okay?" I said swiftly.
Lisa nodded and smiled.

We arrived in the lab and broke in an unlocked window. Once we were inside, I led her to the safe room. Lisa shut and locked the door as I set up the computer.
"Okay, I'm in, come here," I ordered, pulling out the transfer devices.
I hooked up Lisa's arms and head to the computer.
"Ready?" I asked.
Lisa nodded nervously.
"Okay, once you're in, wait for me, I'll be with you in a minute," I explained swiftly.
Lisa's smile became more excited.
"Okay, see you soon Hunter," she whispered.
As I completed hooking her up to the system, she smiled.
"Be careful," I sighed gently.
Just as Lisa began to snap out into the simulation, I planted a kiss on her lips. She opened her mouth to say something then went limp, entering the simulation. I smiled then began hooking myself To the computer, then pressed the button to enter into the simulations.

I blinked and stood up. Lisa was looking down at her body. Her clothes were the exact same as the last simulation, a black dress and leggings. My clothes were the same, jeans, a white shirt, a black jacket, and a cowboy hat. Lisa was staring at me, her cheeks bright red.
"Hunter....what were you..." she trailed off, breathily.
I smiled at her.
"What's wrong?" I asked, knowing Lisa still knew what I did.
She looked taken back by my question.
"You...why did you kiss me?" she asked.
I smiled at her.
"I kissed you because I love you ale....Lisa," I replied, silently cursing myself for calling her Alex again.
She blushed and looked at me.
"I love you too," she whispered, smiling.
I grinned and pulled a gun out of my pocket, as well as some more bullets.
"Just in case, you might need this," I announced, slipping them into her hand.
She nodded to say thank you then slipped them into her pockets.
"C'mon, lets get out of here and go to find experiment black," I ordered, walking towards the road.

Lisa nodded then jogged to catch up.
"Oh Hunter, by the way, I had an idea," Lisa explained as we walked.
I looked at her and raised an eyebrow.
"So I was thinking...what if we just binge this? Instead of taking the experiments home, training them or kicking them out to their homes right away. It will be faster and easier if we do it in one long run," she suggested, smiling.
I nodded in agreement.
"Okay, lets do it like that," I replied, nodding.
Lisa smiled proudly and we continued to walk towards town.

Finally we arrived at the town.
"Okay, they're twins, they should be at the same house. So we need to go to seventy eight Baker Street. Then from there, we'll see how the AI is doing around there," Hunter explained, heading towards the house.
As we finally reached outside, I heard a scream from inside the house. Without even glancing at me, Lisa burst through the door and ran inside the house. I rolled my eyes, then ran in after Lisa.

I burst through the door to see Lisa rolling around on the floor, fighting a woman. Two black haired kids were getting thrown around and beaten by a man. I grabbed my shot gun and aimed without hesitation. I pulled the trigger and watched my eyes follow the bullet as it embedded into the man's head. The man went limp and collapsed onto the floor. I watched as the blood came out of his head and started to paint the floor. It was beautiful to watch the art of death at work. There was a bang behind me, I turned around to see the body of the woman go limp on top of Lisa. Lisa threw the dead body off of her and stood up, ignoring the blood soaking her clothes and skin. The two little girls looked at us, thankful. They looked only about eight. Their brown eyes were sad, weak. Their skin was covered in bruises, blood, cuts, and scars. Lisa picked up the keys from the table.
"I'll go start the car," she whispered going out the door.

I knelt down in front of the two kids and smiled at them.
"Hello, my name is Hunter, what are your names?" I asked curiously.
The two kids looked at me nervously.
"My name is Bethany, and this is my sister Miranda," one of the girls explained, standing up and going to her nervously shaking sister.
They were cute kids, obviously abused.
"Well kids, my friend Lisa and I are going to take you somewhere safe. You see this world isn't real, you have real family out there, they probably think you dead, but they love you very much. Though there's more kids like you, we need your help to save them, will you come with us?" I asked.
The kids looked at each other and nodded. Miranda looked down and stared at her mother's blood soaking her shoes. Shortly after, we left, heading towards this world's version of Dygithal.

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