Don't Understand: Lisa

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Once Tyson had dealt with my sore muscles, I cleaned myself up then went for a run outside. The warm air blew into my face and blew my hair away from me. As I ran, I started to go up into the forest. There was a sound of horses. I jogged over to that sound to see a farm. Hunter was at the edge of the farm, saddling a horse.
"Hey," I whispered breathlessly, staring at the beautiful horse.
The horse had a black coat, with a white spot on the top of it's head. Hunter turned to look at me.
"Hey Lisa, sorry about last night, wasn't myself," Hunter said quietly, finishing saddling the horse.
"You going somewhere?" I asked curiously, patting the horses neck them stroking it.
The fur was soft and silky against my skin.
"Going for a ride, want to come?" Hunter asked, reaching for another saddle.
I nodded and Hunter whistled loudly.

A pure white horse came bounding up. I stroked the horse's fur and sighed at how soft it was. Hunter swiftly saddled the horse then patted my shoulder.
"Get on up, the horse is well trained, so he should follow me. Just in case, pull on the reins to stop, pull left to go left, right to go right. And be relaxed. By the way, your horse's name is Willow, mine is Shooting Star, star for short," Hunter explained, mounting his horse.
I lifted myself up into the saddle and sat there nervously.
"Okay, let's go," Hunter ordered, flicking the reins.
I flicked my reins and watched as Willow began to catch up with Shooting Star. Hunter looked back at me and laughed, then flicked his reins. His horse sped, rushing to go where Hunter guided it.

I flicked my reins again and felt the horse speed up. I laughed and cheered as the horse sped up. Wind ripped through my hair. Hunter chuckled, watching my amazement.
"Alex, pick up the pace will you!" he called out, turning back in his saddle to face me.
I cocked my head, confused. Hunter suddenly realized what he said and turns back around, flicking his reins to go faster. I sped up Willow to catch up to Hunter.
"Did you just call me Alex?" I asked.
Hunter looked at me, mad.
"No, you're insane Lisa," he replied, rather rushed.
I sighed and frowned. Who was this Alex, and why does everyone think I look like them?

"Come on, I want to show you something cool," Hunter ordered, speeding up Star again.
I made Willow race after him. We arrived at this lake. The blue water was shimmering from the reflection of the sun.
"Woah," I gasped, jumping off of Willow.
Hunter watched as I walked up to the water. I slipped my hand into it, to find it cold.
"This is.....beautiful," I whispered.
Hunter smiled and jumped off his horse. He walked over to me and smiled.
"Just like you," he whispered, almost silent.
I pretended I didn't hear him and held back my blush.

"Lisa, I need to ask you something," Hunter said, watching me with his cold, grey eyes.
I turned to look Hunter in the eye.
"What is it?" I asked, kind of afraid of his response.
He was silent for a moment, almost making me go mad with suspense.
"So, as you know, we have the address of your only living relative's farm. So I was you want to go home, to them? Or do you....perhaps....want the manor....with me and Tyson.....and help the others from the simulations?" Hunter offered, obviously worried about my answer.
I turned to look into the crystal blue waters, losing myself in thought.
"To be honest, as much as it would be nice to have family, they've probably spent the last few years....thinking me dead. I don't want to be a burden to them. Plus, I believe in your cause, I want to help. Not to forget...." I replied, trailing off at the end.
Hunter looked at me, expecting me to finish my sentence, though I never did.
"Oh, alright," Hunter said awkwardly.
I sighed at how awkward this whole situation was.

As I stared into the water, for a moment, I thought I saw Jonathan, I jumped and tripped over my own feet, then fell into the lake.
"Lisa, swimming? Now? Really?" Hunter chuckled, watching me swim up.
I playfully splashed Hunter from the water's edge. He chuckled at how I missed him, then kneeled down to help me out of the water. Once we were away from the lake, we mounted our horses and returned to the manor's farm. Finally, we were back in the manor. Once I had showered and gotten into a white dress, I went to meet up with Hunter and Tyson for dinner.

"So, Hunter have you decided when you're going into Black?" Tyson asked as we ate the soup that the chef had made for dinner
. Hunter shrugged then looked at me.
"I was thinking next week, you in Lisa?" Hunter asked, smiling.
I grinned and nodded. Tyson nodded as though to say okay. The rest of the meal was spent talking about the day that we had spent. Once dinner was over, Tyson dismissed Hunter and I to our rooms. I laid down on my bed, alone. The white dress that I was wearing was comfortable, so I decided to keep it on while I slept.

The silence and loneliness of my bedroom was slowly driving me mad. I couldn't help feeling lost, trapped in darkness. Maybe mentally, I was just breaking. Deciding I had enough laying in the dark, alone, I got up and walked to the door. Just as I was about to open the door and leave the bedroom, there was a knock on the door. I quickly opened the door to see Hunter laying there.
"Lisa, did I wake you?" he asked curiously.
I shook my head then opened my door, letting Hunter into my room, before making my way through the darkness and sitting on my bed. Hunter closed the door behind him as he entered.
"What's wrong?" I asked, laying the bed, then patting next to myself for Hunter to come lay next me.
Hesitantly, Hunter laid down.
"Just couldn't sleep," he announced, laying on his side to face me.
I looked at Hunter for a moment, then hugged him. He tensed slightly at my touch then hugged me back.
"Lisa, when we go into the simulations, promise me one thing," he whispered, pulling me closer to him.
I rested my face against Hunter's shoulder.
"Anything, just name it," I said, finding myself curling into Hunter.
He tried to hide a slight smile from his face as he looked at me.
"Please don't leave me, please don't die," he ordered, pulling me closer than ever before.

Shifted Reality Book One: Just AIМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя