Pool Party: Jonathan

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Something seems very wrong. Lisa randomly falling unconscious, then her strange behaviour, then the nightmares. Plus the glitch like people at school. It was like the world around us was falling apart. I shook the idea from my head and changed into my swim trunks. The whole day just needed to be put behind us, and we needed to enjoy our birthday party for tonight. I took some cups and bottles of pop outside and set them down on a table. Once the drinks were sorted, I began cooking finger foods and took a couple bag of chips outside. After what felt like forever, the food was done, so I served them onto dishes and set them on the outside table. I also added paper plates and plastic cutlery.

Once all the food preparation was done, I pulled off the cover to the pool. The cool water looked pretty clean. I began blowing up a few rainbow coloured balloons and scattered them around the yard and pool. Once that was done, I sat on the edge of the pool with my feet in the water. Suddenly the gate to my yard opened. Three friends of mine, Luke, Nick, and Kyle walked in. They all had bags with them.
"Yo dude, didn't see you in second block today, everything alright?" Kyle asked.
I shrugged and put on a fake smile. The boys put the bags down in the corner of the yard.
"So dude, how did asking Lisa out go?" Luke asked, grinning.
I held back the urge to punch him.
"Great, she's my girlfriend now," I explained.
Luke, Nick, and Kyle all gave me high fives. We then just sat and began to discuss a few of our usual topics.

"Oh Jonathan!" Freya called as she walked in the gate with her friend Carly.
They were Lisa's friends. Or at least, she claims they are. All they ever do is insult Lisa, but Lisa says it is constructive criticism.
"Where is our little ugl....birthday girl?" Freya asked, luckily catching her tongue in time.
If I was alone with Freya, I would beat her for every moment of pain she has put my Lisa through. Freya is like the devil. Hell on earth, pure evil.
"She's getting a cake for the party," I spat as Freya and Carly laid their bags down by the boys.
They slipped off their clothes into their bikinis that were too small for them. Luke stared, admiring Freya's boobs. Carly adjusted her bikini, trying to cover up more, after obviously being forced to wear that tiny piece of fabric by Freya.

Lisa walked in the gate, pulling a cart with a large box and a cake inside of it.
"Hey guys," she called as she took the cake out of the cart and laid it on the table next to all the food.
The cake was chocolate, with vanilla icing. Iced on top of the cake was a few sugar roses and the words "happy birthday Jonathan and Lisa". My eyes darted around the party.
"How about we do presents first, then we can party?" Lisa suggested.
We all nodded in agreement and sat down next to Lisa's cart. Luke, Freya, and Carly grabbed things from their bags then joined us by Lisa's cart.

"Me first!" Freya announced, way too excitedly.
She handed me a twenty dollar bill and Lisa a ten dollar bill.
"Buy yourselves something nice," she said with a big grin.
I felt my hands clenching into fists, but dismissed the sudden anger. Carly handed me and Lisa both cards. We opened the cards to see the hand drawn art that Carly had produced, along with her scratchy writing. Clipped onto both our cards were twenty dollar bills. Luke handed us a small envelope with the words "Happy birthday! From Nick, Luke, and Kyle" written on it. Lisa and I opened the envelope to see two coupons for free move tickets, two dinner coupons at the best local diner in town, and two gift cards for stores up in the mall. I smiled over at Lisa who smiled up at the boys. Lisa pushed the cart towards me. I looked at her suspiciously and opened up the delicately wrapped box. Inside the box was a blue motorcycle with sky blue fire designs, and a helmet to match. I had wanted this motorcycle since the day it was released, but never had the money for it. My arms wrapped around Lisa as I planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Thank you, all of you," Lisa and I said in unison.
We swiftly got up, lit candles on the cake and blew them out together. Freya spent five minutes telling a story about her pedicure as I cut the cake up into equal pieces. Once the cake was sliced, I went onto the diving board and dove into the pool. I came up above the surface of the water and flipped the wet hair from in front of my face. Lisa slipped off her shorts and jacket then dove into the water after me. she came up in between my arms and my chest then kissed my chin. Luke jumped into the pool from the edge, cheering loudly as he did so. Freya crawled into the pool slowly from the ladder. Carly sat on the edge of the pool with her feet in the water. Kyle snook up behind Carly then pushed her in. Carly screamed as she splashed into the water. Nick dove in and pulled Carly up to above the surface. We all just sat in the yard, swimming, talking, and splashing each other with water, occasionally we would get in balloon fights. Between swimming, everyone got out of the pool, and ate the chips, or cake, or snacks I had prepared before. Once in a while, Lisa would sneak up on me and steal my kisses. So far, tonight seemed like a great night, especially when Lisa turned on some awesome music.

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