"You weren't here last night, and I didn't see you this morning." His voice was stern but all the while staying monotone, as if he didn't want to expose any of his emotions. 

"And how would you know that?" I asked him, anger slightly lacing my words. 

"I came by your room last night to see if you wanted to go to the library with me, and then this morning I wanted to ask if you'd like to eat together." 

"Well that's very kind of you Max, but I must've been asleep. I tried a new tea Master Yoda gave me to help with my sleeping problems, must've knocked me out like a baby." I lied through a slight grin and chuckle, but he didn't seem to buy it. 

"Oh really? That's odd, because I could've sworn last night I saw you and Skywalker walking through the halls together just after curfew, and then you left the temple together." he said maliciously. Was he following me? How the hell else would he know this, I doubt he was simply just passing by on a late night stroll.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said as I narrowed my eyes at him, "Take your hand off me Max, now." My tone was now just as malicious as his, if not more so. 

He abruptly removed his hand and eyed me for a moment, before sighing deeply and saying, "It would be a shame if Master Yoda was to hear about the late night travels shared between the precious chosen one and his padawan." His tone held jealousy and anger, but his face remained neutral as he spoke. 

"Max, like I said before, I don't know what your talking about and I certainly do not appreciate how you're speaking to me. Learn your place, and stay there." I said harshly before turning and speed-walking towards the dining hall. 

I let out a long sigh to myself as I felt an overbearing weight on my shoulders. 

I was afraid that Max would tell the Grand Master about Anakin and I's late night rendezvous outside the temple grounds. And while I wasn't fearful of whatever punishment he would come up with for our ignorance regarding the curfew, I was afraid of what he would say about us spending the night together. 

It was an innocent act of ignorance, if anything. But I knew with what I told Yoda about my visions, and the future I saw including me and Anakin, he would jump to some sort of bizzare conclusion. 

And that was terrifying, because I knew I wouldn't be able to deny it to him. 

I wasn't ready to face it myself, and I kept pushing it away anytime the thought graced my mind even for a millisecond. But Master Yoda would see through any effort of deception if he were to become suspicious of anything, no matter how microscopic. 


Anakin's POV:

When I felt her fall back asleep this morning, I felt safe enough to get up from bed and exit my room. 

I needed space to myself, for a multitude of reasons. I had been overcome by a feeling of guilt and regret, both feelings being coated in a thick layer of anger. I was angry at myself, and only myself, for allowing myself to get that close to her. I told myself that after the one night on Naboo I wouldn't allow myself to get that close to her again, despite the unwanted desire to.

I felt guilty for endangering her in so many ways. By feeling what I was feeling, and thinking how I was thinking, I was risking her future in the Jedi order. I had let my feelings get in the way of her training multiple times, enough to get her yelled at by Windu. I had endangered her by brining her to that club, and while my intentions were pure and nothing terrible happened, I probably disfigured that mans face for life. 

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