Chapter 12

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I got home exactly at 6:30,The door was locked from inside.
Seems like Mum is upstairs already...

I'm standing outside of my house, feeling a bit nervous. I take a deep breath and raise my hand to knock on the door.My knuckles make a soft thud as they hit the wood. I wait for a few seconds, but there's no answer. I knock again, a bit louder this time. Still nothing. I start to wonder if She's even home. Just as I am about to give up, I hear footsteps approaching the door. The knob turns, and mum opens the door with a big smile on her face but a sleepy eyes. You feel relieved and happy to see her.

"Your back already"She looks at her watch.
"Oh it 6:30pm,I'm glad you kept my word"

Mum is looking very tired. Her eyes are half closed, and she keeps yawning every few seconds. She's been up since early in the morning, and it's clear that she hasn't had enough sleep.

She's wearing her pajamas already and has a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Despite her exhaustion, she's still trying to stay awake to watch her favorite TV show. Her head keeps drooping, and she has to keep shaking herself to stay alert. Finally, she gives up and lays down on the couch, snuggling into her blanket. You can hear her soft snores as she drifts off to sleep.

I smiled,Going in and locking the door behind me.Then I remember I didn't keep my bicycle in the garage.

"I'll be right back Mum"I unlocked the door and quickly rushed to take my bicycle back in the garage.

As I rode it to the garage,I hear some noise behind me,I feel someone is spying at me.Could it be the Thug again?

I heaved a sigh not bothering myself,I was scared.I closed the garage and ran back inside locking my door.
"Phew..."I pursed my lips as I already had sweat drops on my forehead.

I look at mum who was already fast asleep,I turned off the television and helped her up to her room.
"Oh my!Mum is really weighty"I groaned as I got to her room.

I helped her to her bed,And pulled the blanket over her chest.

I leave slowly,Closing her door behind me.

"If I do this everyday,I would get some muscles"I giggled gasping for breath.

I went back downstairs,and my eyes went to the kitchen.My attention was drawn by how dirty the kitchen was.

"Ugh..."I groaned moving there.

I walk into my kitchen and immediately notice the pile of dirty dishes in the sink waiting for me. There are plates, bowls, and cups stacked on top of each other, with bits of food and grease still clinging to them. The sink is filled with murky water, and I can see bits of food floating in it.

"Ewww...."I feel disgusted.
The countertops are covered in crumbs and spills, and there's a sticky spot where someone must have spilled juice.
"Oh Mum..."I frowned.
I can't help but feel overwhelmed by the mess. I know I need to clean up, but I am not sure where to start. I let out a sigh and start gathering up the dishes, trying not to think about how long it's been since I last cleaned the kitchen.

Meanwhile I got out my which was in my pocket to play some music.Love yourself by Justin beiber starts playing.As I hum to the music I feel my work will be faster.

I took my time to ensure sanity in the kitchen,When I was done with cleaning, I stand back and survey the kitchen, feeling a sense of satisfaction. The dishes are all clean and put away, and the countertops are sparkling. I can't help but smile at how much better the kitchen looks now. The air smells fresher, and I feel a sense of accomplishment.

I know that you've done something good for myself , and that feels great. I take a deep breath and enjoy the feeling of a clean kitchen. It's amazing how much difference a few minutes of cleaning can make. I make a mental note to keep up with the cleaning in the future, knowing that it will make my life easier and more enjoyable.

I opened the fridge got a cold drink and biscuit from the cupboard and went back to my room with my music still playing.

I got to my room,Opening the door to see how messy and stuffy it was. I walk into my room and I'm immediately hit by the mess. Clothes are strewn across the floor, books and papers are scattered on your desk, and your bed is undressed. The curtains are drawn, making the room feel dark and stuffy. You can see dust bunnies gathering in the corners of the room, and the air smells stale. I know I need to clean up, but the thought of tackling the mess is overwhelming.

I take a deep breath and start picking up the clothes, folding them and putting them away. I separated my dirty clothes and threw them in a basket which will be taken to the laundry the next day. I dressed my bed and kept my pillows properly.

I gather up the books and papers and stack them neatly on your desk. As I work, I start to feel more in control and less stressed. By the time I finished, the room looks much better. The air feels fresher, and I feel a sense of accomplishment. I opened the curtains for exchange of air.
"When was the last time you cleaned your room Emily?"I laugh at my stupidity.

I sit on my bed ,sipping my juice and eating my biscuit,studying for my exams ahead.Then I hear a strange noise outside. At first, I thought it's just the wind, but then I hear it again. It sounds like someone is rustling around in the bushes outside my window.

I get up to investigate, but as you approach the window, I see a shadowy figure lurking in the bushes.
"Who's that?Can't this night get any worse.."I groaned trying to see the stranger.

I freeze, unsure of what to do. Suddenly, the figure starts making strange noises, as if they're trying to get your attention. I realize that this person is spying on me, and I start to feel scared. I quickly close the curtains and lock the window, hoping that they'll go away. After a few minutes, the noises stop, and I'm left alone in my room. I feel relieved, but also a bit unnerved by the experience.

I can't help but wonder who was spying on me, and why?

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