Chapter 9-Project defence

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Everyone has been working on the project since last week. They had poured countless hours into it, pouring over data, analyzing results, and brainstorming ideas. It was a complex project, with many moving parts, but everyone was committed to seeing it through.

There were moments of frustration and stress, but also moments of excitement and inspiration. As the deadline approached,Everyone kicked into high gear. There were long nights and early mornings, but everyone was determined to finish strong–Maybe.

Everyone knew who Professor Benjamin is,He is someone who has high expectations for their students and holds them to a high standard.

He has a no-nonsense demeanor and is very serious about their work. He is structured in his approach to teaching, with clear expectations for assignments, deadlines, and participation.

He has a strict attendance policy and very particular about the quality of work that they expect from their students.

I stare at Professor Benjamin who had a mean face,He is definitely ready for this.He is someone who has high expectations for their students and holds them to a high standard.

The day of the project defense had finally arrived. The team had been preparing for weeks, practicing their presentation and anticipating questions.

They knew that this was their chance to show what they were made of, and they were determined to make the most of it.

While there's is me doubting my capabilities.

When they arrived at the classroom ,they were nervous but focused.Professor Benjamin was seated with othe judges in front,They were looking serious and imposing.
But the team seemed ready. They launched into their presentation, speaking confidently and clearly. They had rehearsed their key points so many times that some of them practically knew them by heart.

When Professor Benjamin asked questions, Few teams were quick to respond, drawing on their research and expertise. It was a grueling process, but they never lost their cool. And then, finally, it was I and Ben's turn.I felt like peeing on my pants.

"Aiden I'm not sure I can do this"I panicked.
"Trust me Emily,You'll do great"He winks holding my hands as we climbed the stage.

I hold the mic about to say a word but my breath echoed in the speaker,I was tensed up.

"Are you ready Emily Covey?"He questioned

He is quite demanding, but also fair and consistent in his expectations.

"Um..yes sir"My hands fumble
"Calm Down Emily,you can do it"Aiden motivates me.

I took a deep breath.
"Good morning Professor Benjamin,My lovely judges and My Co-Team members"
"I'm Emily Covey,and this is my partner..."
"Aiden Taylor"He completes.
"So today we both decided to educate and inform the world about the importance of Cyber security"
I feel myself doing great,as people were eager to know what I was about to say.

"So what's Cyber Security?It shouldn't be a strange word to some of you.Well Cyber security is the  aspect of protecting an organization and its employees and assets against cyber threats". I maintain eye contact with my audience.

"As cyberattacks become more common and sophisticated,corporate networks grow more complex, a variety of cyber security solutions are required to mitigate corporate cyber risk"My body language speaks with gestures.I pause.

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