99 | supercopa

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the time has come , the supercopa final was finally starting . i was so nervous for both of the teams . of course i sat with the other substitute players on the bench , yes , in a barcelona kit .

gavis .

in the first half , raphina scored , along with carvajal from real .

so in the half time , both teams needed to be motivated by their trainers .

i decided to go the barcelona area as well , so i could see gavi and pedri .

i hugged pedri first , before i went to my boyfriend and hugged him too .

„you got this , i believe in you"

he smiled at me and we kissed .

„ewww enough guys"

alejandro wasn't amused and gavi slapped the back of his neck .

ouch! don't injure me"

shaking my head , i wished them good luck and went to the benches again , when suddenly vinicius approached me .


he looked at me and i stood up , hugging him shortly .

„i guess you won't wish me good luck today?"

„nope , sorry"

„it's okay , i don't need it" (u sure?😭)

mhmm we'll see"

we waved at each other and he went to his other teammates while i kept ousmané company .

„do you think you'll get subbed on?"

„yeah xavi already told me i will , pedri is going down because he was injured not too long ago"

i nodded , that made sense .

the following 20 minutes were pure torture , pedri was as ousmané said subbed off , buz barça wasn't doing well . neither was real . both of them were close to score , but real more , that's why me and pedri were nervous .

every time real madrid went over the center line , me and pedri pressed each others hand , scared of real madrid scoring .

and then , near the end , when everyone thought the game ended in an equalizer so they would need to play 30 minutes more , ansu had the ball and ran , he was fast . too fast for the real madrid defenders .

he passed it to gavi who scored! me and pedri jumped up , just like everyone else and we hugged .

then gavi approached the both of us and us three hugged , before i kissed him .

„you did it! i am so so proud of you!"

pedri ruffled his hair , before gavi went to celebrate with the rest of the team and me and pedri hugged again .

not too long after , the game ended and barcelona won 2-1 .

everyone ran on the pitch , including me , and my eyes immediately met gavis , who basically stormed into my already opened arms .

„you deserve this trophy so incredibly much"

that's what i told him when we took a picture with the supercopa trophy , first me and gavi , then gavi and pedri , pedri and me and lastly , all of us together , laughing . ansu and alejandro then joined .

„what trophy? you or the supercopa? because i know that i definitely don't deserve the first"

„the supercopa of course! but you do deserve me gavi"

„do i?"


he put his arm over my shoulder and we smiled at each other . could this get any more perfect?


on the flight back , everyone , including me , was sleeping since last night was an ... interesting one . i think everyone was drunk at some point , but hey , it was okay .

it was the last game we had to play this season and i am very happy that it ended like this .

after we all took out pictures with the thropy , i saw amara walking over to vinicius and hugging him shortly . i didn't know they were still in touch , but that was okay .

gavi looked at vinicius with the deadliest death stare .

„bro are you jealous? it's not like she'd ever cheat on you"

„of course she won't , i trust her , but i definitely don't trust him , he's an ass"

you can say , gavi and vinicius aren't friends and i don't think that this is ever going to change .

looking over to gavi and amara , you could see them cuddling . amaras neck was revealed a bit and i saw more than one hickey there .

i guess gavi made sure who she belonged to after the scene with vinicius .

it was so typical him .


i woke up due snoring footballers on the plane and peeked up to look at gavi , he was sleeping peacefully since last night wasn't filled with sleep , it was filled with partying , alcohol , dancing and celebrating the end of the season as laliga champions and supercopa winners .

they all deserved the celebration though .

i just lay there for a while , admiring him , i wish he'd open his eyes so i could look into them forever .

suddenly he did open his eyes . not scary or anything .

i chuckled when i saw how sleepy he still was and he pouted .

„why are you laughing at me?"

his voice was quiet and exhausted .

„because you're adorable"

„i'm not adorable!"

„yes you are"

he pushed me off him and i gasped .

„pablo gavi! okay , i'll go sit somewhere else and sleep there , you can sleep alone then"

his facial expression told me that he definitely regretted what he had just done and he sat up .

no! come back to me again , i'm sorry"

i smiled and cradled back into his open arms only to feel him kiss my hair .

„i love you hermosa"

„i love you more pablo"

end of chapter 99 🫶🏼

next chapter will be a timeskip and it's going to be a happy end 🙈🙈🙈

you can already see spoilers for the next story from me on my tiktok account🤭

i love you all ❤️


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