64 | i still have it.

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„no , you're the oldest , you're supposed to take care of us"

i was not the type of person that is happy when they woke up . in different words , i am a very big morning despiser (is that a word?) and i literally hate it to wake up . sleeping is so much better .

and when pablo told me that i am supposed to take care of them , i just got so mad over what i later thought was meant to be a joke .

„i'm supposed to take care of you? since you're back with amara , you don't even spend time with me!"

what? why do you make it about her?"

„it's the truth pablo! i love amara , yes , in a friendship way and i know how much you love her , but you can't just forget about your best friend! you know what i mean?"

„i'm sorry that you don't have a girlfriend! if you had one you'd understand"


„shut up!"

before continuing , i saw amara and alejandro watching me and gavi . when did he arrive?

„why are you acting like i mean nothing to you! you don't even deny that you stopped hanging out with me! i know that you would kill for her , but you have other people that love you and want to spend time with you too!"

„pablo , i know how it feels like-"

-> you don't know how it feels like pedri , you don't have a girlfriend

we continued to argue , when pablo took it too far .

„nadie saldría contigo de todos modos, con alguien que ni siquiera había tenido su primera vez"
-> no one would date you anyway, someone who hadn't even had their first time

i got so mad that i punched him . he knew that this was something i don't like to talk about and that i am quite insecure about because some people at my school called me „a freak" for that .


pablo then attacked me aswell and punched me into my nose , that was now bleeding .

then someone pulled gavi away from me . my vision was blurry and i couldn't see who exactly it was , but since the person seemed like a male , it could only be alejandro .



alejandro pulled gavi off of pedri and it looked like pedri was going to pass out any moment .


i cupped his face and slightly shook him , hoping for his reply .


„can you see me?"


his voice was only a faint whisper and only now i realized how close we were .

„you're bleeding"

i grabbed his hand and we went into the kitchen were i gathered some things while he sat down on one of the barstools .

„so what happened?"

i asked him , while watering the cloth .

„i'm not a morning person and when pablo said that i'm supposed to take care of you both since i'm the oldest and stuff , i got mad . it was probably a joke , but i've been feeling .... i don't know how to describe it . just , since you both are together , pablo never spends time with me anymore . you know i love you , but i don't want pablo to kind of shut everyone except you out . then pablo said that no one would ever date me anyway since i'm a virgin and that's a topic i'm insecure about , so i punched him"

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