94 | „how nice of you"

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„come with me , it will be fun i promise!"

pedri tried to convince me to go to that club with him and the rest of the team , i didn't agree because i hate clubs after what happened in qatar .

„pedri you know what happened last time?"

„yeah because you weren't with me or gavi , your two other best friends can't-"

„don't you dare blame it on them!"

i swear if someone talks bad about jude and jamal i won't speak to them again .

„if you ever say anything against them , we're done , no exceptions"

„damn okay ... but what i wanted to say is that i will not leave you alone for a second and sira , mikky and other girls will be there too!"

„ughh okay , only if you dance with me"

„i haven't planned anything else amor"

i smiled at him , but my smile instantly faded as i remembered something .

amor? what's wrong?"

„do i have a dress?"

i rushed to my closet and looked for a dress . gladly i found one , it was dark red . one of my favorite colors , along with dark blue and purple .

„is this one okay?"

„you can wear whatever you want , you look perfect in everything"

„that's cheesy"

„you love it"

„i do"

when we arrived at the club , it was already pretty crowded and it was only 7 in the night!

„i'll go say hi to the girls okay?"

„do that , i love you"

„i love you more"

before he could say something else , i was greeted with sira hugging me and mikky joining her .

„i missed you!"

„awhh i missed you two as well! how was you all's holidays?"

while we talked about life and judged everyone in the club , i felt pedri tapping my shoulder .

„pedriii hii!"

i can't lie , i had one or two shots . or maybe even five? i don't know .

„have you drank anything?"

„we all had a few shots , but we're not getting drunk pedri i promise"

„okay , i need to leave"

„what the hell , why?"

„my brother got into a car accident on his way to barcelona , in barcelona and he's in the hospital right now"

„oh my god that's terrible , do you want me to come with you?"

„no it's fine honestly , you can stay here and have fun , i told gavi that he'd bring you home later okay? remember that"

„why him?"

„because i know how much he loves you and won't let anything happen to you . he's been watching you the whole night already , see"

he pointed over to gavi who was in fact watching me .

„pedri gavi doesn't love me anymore"

„he does"

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