82 | how can you do this?

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( still gavis pov )

the same night , i went to a club and just tries to get one of the girls there to go with me . since most people know me , it didn't take me long to find a girl who was head over heels over me . i immediately left and just told her i wanted to sleep and we could do „other things" tomorrow .

it was a lie .

the plan was that amara is coming over tomorrow morning and she sees me with that girl in bed , maybe even kissing .

i was so cruel .

i didn't sleep any second that night , it felt so wrong when the girl next to me isn't amara .

i heard the doorbell ring and woke this random girl up , kissing her .



disgusted .

she then sat on my lap and we made out . ew .

then the door opened and i knew who is standing there .


i slowly followed amara upstairs , my heart already breaking for her because i knew what she was about to witness .

„good morn- what the hell"

i now stood behind her and gavi pulled that girl off of him .

amara i-"

„nope gavi , explain"

„i was at a club and she just caught my eye , so i-"

„so you brought her home with you? cheating on me? i didn't expect this from you gavi . this is it . i am breaking up with you and i won't ever get back to you!"

he nodded and amara closed the door , sliding down on the brown wood , now crying .


why did he do this to me?"

i helped her up and hugged her as she cried . this was breaking my heart more than my own break up .

„i don't know amor , i don't know"

she just continued to cry for another 5 minutes , when that girl from pablos room came out , looking upset . gavi had probably send her away and told her that he doesn't like her .

„hey uhm , i'm sorry , i didn't know that he still had a girlfriend ... if i had known , i wouldn't have done this i swear . i'm very sorry for you"

she patted amaras back , but she didn't look up or say anything so i did it for her .

„yeah , thank you , do you know where the door is?"

„well actually- no"

„i'll show you"

i slowly pulled amara off of me and took her hand , guiding her to my room before showing that girl the door .


i nodded at her words and the second i saw her leaving , i ran up the stairs to my room , where amara was supposed to be laying on my bed .

gavi held me up at the middle of the stairs , looking at me with his sad eyes .

„is it bad?"

„gavi what were you expecting? of course it is , she is devastated! we should tell her immediately i swear-"

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