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Taehyung is that type of boyfriend who will pretend to be angry at you when you play with Yeontan instead of cuddling him. He will look at you with pouty lips when you're busy playing with Tan. "Tan, did you forget that I'm your daddy." He fake cry while you giggle at his words and actions. He smiled a little looking at your happy face which he can admire all day long. When you looked at him he'll again make that cute angry face. You put down Tan from your lap and got up going towards him. "Aww, is my baby angry?" you asked in baby voice pecking his cheeks making him smile but he tried to hide it. When you notice him bitting his lips not to let out a laugh you'll tickle him making him laugh out loud. "Ya ya...stop..." He will try to stop you but you keep tickling him until he fall on the couch with you. Finally you atop tickling him and looked at his slightly red face due to laughing. You leaned down and place a long kiss on his lips as he kissed you back. "I love my baby." You said bopping his nose with yours. You both laugh and suddenly you heard barking. You both look at Tan and saw him looking at you both as if he's asking for him. You laugh while getting up and picking him up. "I love you too." You said and caressed his hair while Taehyung kept admiring his cute little family.

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