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A whimper left your mouth as you feel the cold substance roaming on your body. You bite your lips to suppress your moans as you felt a stinging sensation. Jimin spoke spanking your as* "Didn't I told to stay away from him?" He brushed the ice on your harden n*pples as you moaned out loudly Ahh...Daddy, I'm sorry." You spoke trying to bear the pleasure and pain at the same time. "You're sorry won't work sweetheart. I'll show today what happens when you don't obey me." He spoke entering you without any warning making you moaning mess under him. "You're not allowed to c*m until I say." He whisper in your ear making you squirme by his touch. "You. Are. Only. Mine." He spoke with each thrust making you reach to your climax but before you could c*m he pulled out. You looked at him with pleading eyes. "No baby, you're not c*mming until I want." He spoke and enter you again.

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