Chapter 18: Trust

Start from the beginning

He cuts off my sentence and said, "You don't have answer to me, just-just think about it. See you around, I guess?" He lets go off my wrist and added, "Take care on your way home." And then he started walking out.

I stare down at my feet. What should I do Kate?


I walk my way home but before that, I stopped by the convenience store that's not so far away from home. I remember the time when Dylan borrowed my jacket and when I refused his offer, it was our first encounter and it really made me annoyed by it.

I felt like smiling and couple of seconds, the smile disappeared. I brought my favorite sandwich from the store and a bottle of chocolate drink. My mother would probably be late, that's why I decided that I'll just eat what I brought.

I walked alone at the cold streets, I should have brought a jacket but I didn't even expect to have this kind of weather. I feel like it will rain any second now, I should hurry before the rain starts pouring.

When I reached our house, I saw a car parked in front of our house. It was Dylan's car and he wasn't even on it. When I walk towards the car, the rain started pouring. Dylan was leaning at the back of his car.

"Dylan?" I called his name and he turns his head, to look at me.

"Kate." He replied.

"It's raining, you should go home already. You might get sick!" I retorted. I'm a little bit furious because even though he knows that it was already raining, he didn't even entered his car.

He chuckled for seconds, "Says the wet girl who's standing in front of me."

I didn't even smile on his sarcastic answer, I walk towards him and held his wrist. I started dragging him but he was making it hard for me to drag him. I wanted him to at least take shelter from our porch, so he won't get wet but it seems like he doesn't want to.

In my surprise, he pulled my arm, dropping everything that I was carrying on the ground and then he have his arms wrapped around me, he pulled me into a hug. He was hugging me tightly that I can't barely move.

My heart was beating rapidly and it was because of Dylan.

"Kate, do you still like me?" He uttered. The rain wasn't stopping and I think it's best if we took shelter.

"Dylan, let's just go there before-"

He cuts off my sentence and asks again, "Kate, do you still like me?"

This time, his hug is tighter compared before.

I slowly wrapped my arms around him, "I still like you Dylan."

He placed both of his hands on my face and aligned my eyes into his, "Are you willing to trust me?"

I placed a smile on my lips and nodded.

"I love you Kate."

He just said that he loves me. I can feel butterflies swirling around my tummy and the beating of my heart was rapidly beating. It was pleasant to hear that I wanted him to say it again.

"What did you just say?" I ask again.

"I love you Kate." He repeated those words and I can't help but to smile.

"I love you Dylan." I answered back and then he have this smile tugged on his lips.

He slowly moves his face towards me and then we kissed. Everything that was running inside my head was completely gone and all I can think about was him.

I didn't expect those words to come out of his mouth and all I can think of was the fact that he said that he loves me and that I love him back.

We slowly parted away and we both chuckled.

"Kate." He said.

"Dylan." I replied.



I wasn't able to see Kate today and I decided that I should drop by at their house today. I wanted to give her something, more like a thank you gift for giving her time to spend it with me. I'm really happy that time and I can't forget the fact that she just hugged me.

I wanted to hug her back but then I don't want to give her a wrong idea since I wanted to show my feelings to her, slowly.

I hope that she was already fine because she seems to be troubled about Dylan and that she should forget about him already.

I think she's better off without him because Dylan has done nothing but to hurt her. She deserves someone better.

I just wished that I bring my jacket because it started raining. It's just a couple of streets left before I reached their house and I can already feel my lips smiling when I think about her.

When I was just a distant away from their house, I saw a car parked in front of their house and I feel like something ugly was about to happen.

When I stopped by in front of the car that was parked in front of their house, I saw Dylan and Kate. They are kissing. I feel like there was something stuck inside my chest. It was like I was in pain and that I can't get rid of it when I saw them together like that.

My jaws are clenched, I wanted them to separate. Kate doesn't deserve him, He doesn't deserve her either.

They slowly parted and then they both chuckled after.

When Kate was about to picked up her things from the ground and Dylan was about to help her, She saw me.

"Marc?" She called my attention.

I didn't answer her and left without saying anything more.


What do you think about this chapter? If you love or like it, hit that star button and vote!

Sorry if I took so long before I update. It wasn't usually like this. I find it hard to make this chapter since I don't know whether this chapter should be heart breaking or not. I actually made two versions of this chapter and I ended up posting this one.

And one more thing, another character will be coming soon, so stay tuned! ;)

Comments are always welcome! So don't hesitate and tell me what you think!

Have a great day ahead! x

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