"You—!" Jinhua was baffled at the question, her mind never even thinking of trying for her own child between the two. Her face brightened in color as she quickly turned to the side with a pillow pressed against her steaming face, "Don't you have something to do, Liu'er—??" The name rolling off her tongue like symphony to his six ears.

Macaque laughed at her attempt to change the subject, his figure finding his shirt on the side, "Don't worry, I'll cook some nice breakfast to calm them down for a few hours."

Jinhua peeked from the pillow with perked ears, "Scrambled?"

Macaque put a loose red shirt on, "Scrambled eggs, of course." His hands already working on his gray sweats.

Jinhua smiled before turning back over with her tail swaying happily at her side.

Finally getting his clothes on, Macaque began his trek across the house, meaning, to use his shadow teleportation to his advantage. But just before that he shifted back into his raven shade of fur.

Walking out of the kitchen wall, he glanced through the counter that gives him a view of the living room, to see Mei and MK sprawled out on the couch with their weapons and gear laid out across the coffee table. Shaking his head, he snapped his fingers and let the heat fall into his weapon holders.

"Psst—! Pa'!"

Macaque's ears perked up as he glanced to his right to see his son covering himself in his oversized cloak, "Ren? What are you doing with my robes?"

Ren's tail could be seen peeking out of the cloak, wagging, "Uh.... Hiding from Bai'he? Mind telling me where she is?"

Macaque raised a brow, "Well. She's on the other side of the house hollering your name."

Ren visibly relaxed and waddled towards him, "Phew. Whatcha doin, Pa?"

Starting up the stove, he grabbed a frying pan and put a wad of butter to melt, "Making breakfast. Wanna tell me why Bai'he's clothes were littered with stickers?" He tied on the pink apron that Jinhua got him as a joke, but he later on began to like it secretly.

Ren's ears peeled back with slight nervousness, "Weeeeeelllllll..."

Macaque's hand sat on his hip impatiently, "Ghost stickers?"

"Uhhhhh, it's just a silly lil' prank, Pa'~! Honest!" Ren smiled innocently.

"Mhm." Macaque turned back to the stove as he became to crack a few eggs and meshing them together. His tail already starting the rice cooker as he began to clean the rice while the egg sat for a bit.

Bai'he slid across the hallway that connected the bathroom and kitchen rooms, her eyes set on Ren as she reeled back her tan jacket, which was covered in hundreds of spooky stickers, "There you are—!" A wild grin flashed across her face.

"Wait—!" Ren waved his hands frantically as he used his teleporting ability to dodge the thrown jacket.

Macaque ducked casually as he focused on scrubbing the dirt and grime off the rice before throwing it in the rice cooker. His gaze entirely on making breakfast for the entire household, ignoring the arguing entirely behind him.

The jacket was then tossed through the kitchen and landing straight at MK's face, waking him up from his slumber with a start, "I'm up! I'm up, Pigsy—! I'll make those deliveries—!" He straightened up with a salute of his tail.

His sleepy eyes blinked confused at the sudden giggles that erupted from the room beside him, "Wha—!?" He rubbed his tired eyes to see Ren and Bai'he hiding behind Macaque's tall figure. They're heads peeking out to see the dumbfounded young adult look around like a confused puppy, "Oh."

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