That never happened before. he looked at me as if I was an intruder with no shame at all.

A few doors down we are at the doctor's office, and I knock and thank the guard for showing me here.

Once the doctor indicated I could enter. I requested some clothes from her, and she showed me to my clothes already stacked on the couch in her office, but I declined the hoody, jeans and sneakers.

It is time to be taken serious.

So, while we wait for my new set of clothes to arrive, I gave the doctor a little talk, made a few calls for a few hours then I headed in for a well deserved shower to relax just for a few minutes.

As I step out of the bathroom that is adjacent to the doctor's office, I gave myself a once over and I must say I made the right choice.

"Nice to see our Donna has arrived" the doc says with a huge smile on her face.

"Good to be here and way overdue" I say trying to look as confident as can be. I decided on a black pant suite, low cut thin strappy top underneath the jacket that shows just enough cleavage, but not too much to not be taken serious, with black high heeled court shoes. Looking like business.

"Everything in place?" I ask her.

"Yes, and this is the second burner you requested" she hands me a black phone "once you walk out of that door everything will kick in motion as we discussed" she says.

"Thank you so much doc" I say as I hug her.

"Anytime, see you on the flipside" she says giving me a wink.

I nod and exit the room making my way to the part of the building where Max and his team reside.

As I'm walking, I am met with stares, but nobody makes an attempt to greet so I give them all a "good morning, everyone, hope you all slept well" and top it up with a smile. The sarcasm could be heard in my voice, and I don't give a damn.

Hums are heard but no respectful greeting as I continue on my merry way keeping my head held high. Well, that said a lot. I however ignore everyone and make my way to the door where Max is and slowly open it.

As I open the door, all attention is once again on me as the typing cease and fifteen pairs of eyes stare at me beside Max who is still typing away like a mad person.

Everyone remain silent and my tokens for greeting rude people was done for the day, so I made my way over to Max.

Once I reach him with everyone still looking at me, I am met with Max's strange appearance but kept my cool in front of the stares.

He didn't even notice when I entered the room. He's sitting with dark circles under his eyes as if he didn't have a wink of sleep in days.

Clothes are a little dirty and Max is a neat freak, so everything is off with him. He's being threatened to comply, but with what, or whom? That's the only conclusion I come to about this gentle giant.

He as a heart of gold and that I've seen with my eyes myself when I spent time with him here.

I lift my hand and lay it on his cheek and force him to look up at me. As soon as our eyes meet you could see the tears pooling in his eyes. A brief flash of relief seeing someone he knows he can trust. 

I move in front of him to shield his moment of weakness from the prying eyes as he recollect his emotions. 

"Hey, I came to kidnap you for a coffee date" I say with trying to pretend like nothing happened, but I know Max is aware I caught everything in his emotions.

"I can't, I'm busy" he says as he run his hands through his hair and continue with his typing looking at the screen. I take a good minute and stare at him while he's typing on the keyboard in front of him.

Max would never in a million years talk to me the way he just did and that's confirmation enough, so I bend down until my mouth is near his ear and only him can hear what I'm saying.

"In one hour, you will excuse yourself, you'll take the back exit and say your going to the shop or make up an excuse to leave the base. Once you leave the base drive two miles north and leave your car, phone and anything you could be traced with. A car will be waiting to pick you up there and to set the scene so nobody can suspect you came willingly. That will buy me time to help you with whatever they are threatening you with" I say as Max continue to type, but I know he heard me.

I stand up straight and huff to try and act as if I'm pissed. I bend down again "how does this look for setting the scene?" I say warning him of what I'm about to say as I keep the pissed expression on my face.

"Max, I don't ever want to speak to you again and don't think you will get into my good books again" I say as a last attempt at acting and head out the door. Hope that convinced the rats.

I try to look for Luca, Rodger or Kai but don't see them anywhere, so I ask one of the guards that says they are all out for the day on a mission. Strange....

I ask one of the guards for a phone so that I can contact Luca. He's second so it's only right if I make contact. 

After the second ring he answers "Yes" he answers sounding pissed. 

"Hey Luca, Olivia here" I announce.

"Oh, hey Olivia, how are you?" he asks.

"In pain but I think I'm handling it well" I say throwing in a chuckle.

 "I did visit you and Dom earlier but both of you were out. I'll be back later then we can chat" he says.

"Oh, I am headed out to go trim my hair and buy some stuff at the mall that i need, so I'll meet you here later" I respond.

"Your supposed to rest. You can do that another day" he says almost telling me what to do. When did he become my husband?

I don't bother to entertain his orders any longer and politely finish the conversation not really agreeing with him. I the proceed to make my way to the front door and head out to the car arranged by the doc.

As I drive out of the base pass the guards at the gate i pick up one of the two burners and call my partner in crime.

Just one ring and he answer "I'm out, is everything set?" I ask.

"Yes, just waiting for you to get here" he says.

"Thank you so much Demetri" I say as I drop the call and drive at an ungodly speed to get to my destination making sure nobody followed me.


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