Honeymoon (Story 8 - Chapter 5)

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With Rad:

The Toxic Sludge demon was running down the street of Hellis, searching desperately for the apartment complex that his parents live in while also trying to avoid his elder sister, Slendithera. 

In his arms, his niece Elvira was giggling gleefully, enjoying being out with her uncle in an exciting chase that she had no idea was supposed to be terrifying for the both of them. 

Rad had to keep reminding himself that she was just an infant, having just been born not too long ago, so of course she would be thinking something would be exciting when in reality it was meant to be terrifying and scary. 

Either that, or she takes on after her father, the Anglerfish demon having been chased after nearly his entire life since becoming a thief. From what Venno told him about his step brother, Dexx had basically been egotistical and rash whenever he was making his escapes, at least he had been when Venno started hunting him. 

Rad couldn’t help but snicker at the thought of his eldest sister hunting down the bounty that she had been so sure that she would hate only to end up slowly falling in love and marrying him.

From what he had been told by Barry, Fiona, and even Scott, Dexx’s love for Venno had been an instant love at first sight, whereas it took Venno a little longer to finally fall for him as well. 

Although, Rad had a feeling that it was because she had an ugly breakup with her ex boyfriend who he thought had been a jackass, so the Toxic Sludge demon understood why Venno would be hesitant to jump back into another relationship, although he was glad the Velociraptor demoness was finally able to see that Dexx really meant well and cared a lot about her and their newborn daughter. 

Rad was quickly snapped out of his thoughts the second he ran right by a familiar building that he quickly recognized. 

He gasped, seeing the all too familiar sign for Portia’s Sewing and Fashion Company, the dark purple poodle in the logo having a needle with thread stabbing into one of its eyes. 

Rad excitedly jumped from one foot to another, now sure of where he was. 

“Rad! Where the fuck are you?” shouted the familiar distant voice of Slendithera from around the corner just down the street, the Porcelain Monster demoness having had a good feeling on where her younger brother was going. 

Rad gasped in shock and fright as he hugged his niece close for comfort, more for himself than for her considering she was the one giggling and having fun. 

Rad quickly whirled around and broke out into a full on sprint for his life, knowing that he was sure to be dead the second Slendithera found him. 

Halfway down the street, just as he entered the pink apartment complex courtyard, Slendithera turned the corner and caught sight of him, the Toxic Sludge demon hoping that it was the correct one considering there was another one next door that looked similar in style only blue in color.

“Come on, I hope this is the right complex” muttered Rad to himself, the Toxic Sludge demon running up to where the elevator was with the panel of buzzers. 

“Ok, let’s see” muttered Rad, the Toxic Sludge demon quickly turning to look behind him, expecting to see his elder sister already at the gates only to find she had yet to arrive. 

He did freeze up in fright when he heard her scream in rage though, causing his mind to go completely blank. 

Even Elvira had silenced herself when she heard the scream, the Velociraptor Angler demoness looking confused as she wrapped her arms around her uncle in shock. 

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