The Wedding (Story 7 - Chapter 5)

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With Fiona:

The pomeranian demoness was panicking, having started barking orders at everyone running around trying to finish setting the place up for the wedding that was about to start in less than an hour.

And the bride and groom have yet to arrive back for it, both Venno and Dexx, along with their daughter, needing to get dressed and prepared for their big day.

"Come on, where are they?" muttered Fiona, the Pomeranian demoness taking the moment to quickly check her watch, seeing that they had thirty minutes left before the wedding started.

Fiona took a quick glance around and saw that Queen Pin, Thorn, Slendithera, and the bridesmaids and grooms were already dressed in their outfits, ready to walk down the aisle.

The flower arrangements had already been set up, and cake had just been delivered, so there really wasn't a whole lot left for her to worry about, but Fiona was still panicking as she felt her anger rise.

She hadn't realized it until a few minutes ago, but she had forgotten one of the most important parts of a wedding, and that's someone who was actually able to officiate the wedding between the two.

"Hey Fiona, we brought the Haprins. Sorry we're late, but the train got delayed because of an accident over the tracks" explained Scott, the Possum demon rushing over to where Fiona was with Rad following close behind.

Fiona glanced behind the two, the Pomeranian demoness frowning as she nodded in understanding when she saw the three Harpies standing near the entrance to the casino.

Barry was standing nearby and watching, the Wolf Hound demon frowning worriedly as he kept a close eye on the Pomeranian demoness.

"That's good. You two tell them where to sit, there are three free seats over by the Hyena. After that, get ready, Queen Pin will give you your suit, Scott" said Fiona, the Pomeranian demoness unaware that she was getting impatient as she checked her watch for what felt like the hundredth time in the last hour.

Scott nodded, the Possum demon frowning as he gave Barry a look that told him everything.

The Possum demon wanted the Wolf Hound demon to get a hold of Fiona because there was something he knew that he didn't.

Barry sighed as he walked over to Fiona, the Wolf Hound demon placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, but it was quickly shrugged off as the Pomeranian demoness whirled around.

"Not now, Barry, I'm busy and I need to work" said Fiona, the Pomeranian demoness not even looking at him, choosing only to look down at her clipboard.

Barry was a little shocked and startled by this, but he quickly shook his head and regained himself, a small growl escaping his throat.

"Fiona, this isn't you. You're not normally like this. Why are you so stressed over planning a wedding for a friend? I get that you and Venno are close, but you know she wouldn't want you to stress yourself over something like this" said Barry a little too forcefully, the Wolf Hound demon feeling his own pressure getting to him after finally processing how much Fiona had been pushing away.

Fiona growled, her ears flat against her head as she looked away, her clipboard held tightly in her hand.

The Pomeranian demoness suddenly sighed, her tense muscles now relaxing as she returned her attention back to Barry, causing him to now look confused.

"Barry, I'm sorry that I've been acting so angry and impatient with you and with everyone today. You're right, I'm just so stressed with having been put in charge of planning this entire wedding on my own, and I could have asked for some help but I didn't. I just wanted to help Venno because she's a close friend, and we're basically like sisters, and I really wanted to help give her and Dexx a perfect wedding because they deserve it after all the hard work they've done for the Bounty Hunter Agency. I just wanted to give her the perfect wedding, a wedding that I myself couldn't have" admitted Fiona finally, the Pomeranian demoness now feeling stupid with the way she was acting.

Venno Rapter - The Hellish Series Returns - Series TwoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz