The Inner Hound (Story 5 - Chapter 1)

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New Strip City:

With Barry:

The Wolf Hound demon was running along the dark streets of New Strip City, the only source of lights being from the street lamps and many different shops that were still open at the current late hour of just past eleven at night. 

Barry had his sharp eyes on the lone figure that was running down the street away from him, a sort of Plant demon with his entire body made of large roots and vines. 

For some reason, this particular street only had a few pedestrians who were walking around, something that was rare for the large city at night. 

All the other streets Barry had been chasing the bounty on were more full and bustling, but this one most likely didn’t have too many shops to offer at this late hour. 

Because there were no vehicles driving down the street, the Wolf Hound demon didn’t have to worry about running down the middle of the street, which was lucky for him, but at the same time was allowing the bounty to run away more easily. 

The Wolf Hound demon growled silently to himself as he decided to chase after the bounty on all fours like an actual canine as opposed to just running on two legs, something that allowed him to run a lot faster and slowly catch up to the Plant demon. 

Barry was still unable to believe how fast the Plant demon could really run, some of the leaves he had for hair coming loose and flying off of his head as he did, although Barry was quickly to catch up when running on all fours. 

Just as Barry got close enough to pounce, the Plant demon suddenly turned down a dark alleyway that was beside a Demon Plant Store in a fit of panic, causing Barry’s tackle to completely miss. 

Snarling, Barry quickly got back up and continued to chase after the Plant demon who had quickly turned right in the alleyway. 

Barry rounded the corner but halted, the Wolf Hound demon standing up properly on his two hind legs once again before silently sneaking down the alleyway in search of the now missing Plant demon. 

Barry stopped and began sniffing the air, the Wolf Hound demon searching for the Plant demon’s scent. 

Unable to find it while standing up properly, Barry got down on all fours once again and began sniffing the ground, his tail silently and swiftly swaying back and forth slowly. 

With his ears perked up, having finally caught the scent properly, Barry once again stood up properly and was about to chase after the scent when he was suddenly hit on the back of his head from behind by something large. 

Whatever he had been hit had shattered on impact, causing him to fall to the ground and nearly pass out. 

“Ugh, what the fuck?” muttered Barry, the Wolf Hound demon having not heard anyone approaching from behind, meaning he was most likely hit by some sort of projectile. 

As he heard the faint sounds of several demons chuckling and approaching, Barry could faintly see what appeared to be the shattered remains of a large red flower pot scattered on the ground around him. 

It wasn’t until he was kicked in the face that his attention was finally diverted to the group of Plant demons surrounding him, along with the one who he had been chasing with the bounty. 

Barry was barely paying attention as his vision began blurring slightly from being hit in the back of his head then getting kicked around the same spot, but was able to just make out some of the more prominent features of most of the Plant demons. 

There were about ten of them, maybe, from what Barry could see, and each of them appeared to be some sort of different subspecies of Plant demon with the expectation of five who all looked to be different species of Mushroom demons. 

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