The Angle Rapters (Story 3 - Chapter 5)

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With Dexx: 

The Anglerfish demon was worriedly keeping an eye on the small box with the ring, having begrudgingly allowed DJ to hold it so the Neon demon could get a closer look at it. 

“How many rings of little diamonds are there again? I think I’m seeing three” said DJ, the Neon demon squinting as he held the ring box close to his face. 

Dexx cringed as he kept a close eye on DJ, everyone the majority of the boys having gone back to talking while only Barry and Jake remained nearby to also get a good look at the custom craftsmanship of the ring. 

“There are two, and then there’s a ring of them surrounding the main amethyst. Please don’t tell me you’re half blind, are you?” asked Dexx, the Anglerfish demon having thought the Neon demon had a sharper eye than he remembered. 

DJ chuckled as he shrugged it off, the Neon demon’s sudden movement causing Dexx to tense up momentarily. 

“I guess you could say I’m nearsighted. Or was it farsighted? Whichever one is the one where I can see things better from a distance. I always get those mixed up. Anyway, I do have glasses, but I don’t use them too often. I should probably carry them around more often, huh?” said DJ, the Neon demon chuckling and sounding as if it didn’t really matter to him anyway. 

Barry and Jake both frowned, the two exchanging glances and knowing the Neon demon didn’t actually have glasses at all, either that or he never wears them anyway. 

Dexx couldn’t help but wonder how the Neon demon could even see all the little buttons and dials on his DJ booth whenever he was using it, but it was most likely because he had used it so many times that he practically didn’t even have to look down to see what he was doing. 

As Dexx was about to tell DJ to give him the ring back so he could feel better with it in his hands, everyone was suddenly startled by the sound of the front doors slamming open. 

DJ was so startled that he jumped a little more than he expected he would have, the Neon demon nearly dropping the ring box but had managed to keep a tight hold on it, but had unexpectedly flung the ring out of it without noticing, the thing clattering to the floor and sliding underneath one of the nearby tables. 

DJ quickly shut the box and sighed in relief, the Neon demon having thought he had managed to save the ring. 

Dexx quickly snatched the closed ring box out of DJ’s hands before quickly hiding it in his jacket pocket, the Anglerfish demon having been too startled to realize the ring was no longer inside. 

“We’re back, everyone” shouted the voice of Slendithera, the Porcelain Monster demoness having most likely been the one to kick the doors open. 

“Could you please not do that? I don’t want to have to ask Jake to replace the doors. He’s not our maintenance guy, you know” said Venno as the girls all walked into the large casino dining room. 

“Sorry, sis, but someone’s got to announce our arrival” said Slendithera, the Porcelain Monster demoness shrugging as she quickly took a seat at the table where Thorn and Rad were sitting at. 

As everyone got settled down for a few minutes before the girls would head up to Venno and Dexx’s room to start the actual babyshower, the Anglerfish demon quickly got up to help Venno into a seat so that she could regain some energy after walking for who knows how long. 

“Why were you all out for so long without telling us?” whispered Dexx worriedly, the Anglerfish demon quickly glancing back at everyone else as he tried not to show his annoyance. 

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