The Bloodlust Hounds (Story 4 - Chapter 1)

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With Venno: 

The Velociraptor demoness was sitting at her usual spot at the large round table as she went through some stuff with the Bounty Hunters before sending them off on their bounties. 

She and Dexx had already announced their engagement about a few weeks ago, plus Venno was about six and a half months in on her pregnancy. 

The Velociraptor demoness was managing her pregnancy pretty well, rarely ever complaining about anything hurting even, meaning it was going pretty smoothly so far from what Dexx could understand. 

The Velociraptor demoness was even wearing the engagement ring that Dexx had custom made, despite the little outburst he made when he tried to present it to her. Venno knew that he didn’t actually mean it, though, and she felt that the Anglerfish demon really did know her more than she thought since the ring was made just for her perfectly. 

“And in other news, I’m happy to announce that Jerry is doing really well, despite refusing to properly get his broken leg checked out by a doctor. Luckily for us, I know someone who may be able to come over from Hellis, a friend of my mom’s” said Venno, the Velociraptor demoness knowing everyone was worried about their former Overlord of Bounty Hunting, Jerry ‘Sniper’ Rifele. 

Some Bounty Hunters nodded in understanding while others bowed their heads respectfully, nobody daring to be the first to break the silence. 

Before Venno could even say that they could head out on their hunts, though, she was suddenly interrupted by Scott. 

“Sorry for bursting in like this, but we just got this bounty last minute. It just happened this morning, too, and they want it taken care of as quickly as possible” said Scott, the Possum demon rushing over to Venno quickly with a folder in his hand. 

Out of breath, the Possum demon handed the folder over to Venno before taking a few steps back to properly catch his breath as if he had run up the stairs. 

“Did you take the stairs or something?” asked Dexx, the Anglerfish mostly joking when he said this.

To everyone’s surprise, Scott nodded, the Possum demon resting his hands on his knees as he breathed hard while Venno simply opened the folder and began to silently read through the wanted poster.

“Yeah, yeah. The elevator was all the way down on the training floor, so I decided it would be fast to run up the stairs” explained Scott. 

The Library floor was at least two floors below the Meeting Room floor, and there were at least two flights of stairs between each floor so the building was pretty tall to begin with.

In total, the building had at least ten floors, including the training floor which was underground, under the main floor.  

“Man, I was only joking. You look like you ran a marathon” said Dexx, the Anglerfish demon crossing his arms and now feeling back about what he had said. 

Barry scoffed, a smirk on his muzzle as he crossed his arms. 

“Or maybe you’re just out of shape. Are you sure you don’t want to become a Bounty Hunter so you could get more exercise rather than sitting at your desk all day?” said Barry, the Wolf Hound demon clearly teasing the Possum demon about this, even though he was pretty skinny and lean to begin with. 

Scott just waved it off, the Possum demon chuckling lightly.

“Nah, I’m fine where I am. I am the only one in the Library, making me the department head. Wouldn’t want the boss to have to replace me” said Scott, the Possum demon standing up straighter and resting his hands in the pocket of his hoodie. 

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