Honeymoon (Story 8 - Chapter 4)

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With Rad:

The Toxic Sludge demon was sitting in one of the more empty train cars, his niece, Elvira, sitting happily on his lap as they both watched the scenery outside the window pass by them. 

They were passing by some large vineyards that were on the way to Hellis, the city that was famous for its fashion and, more recently, its taste in high quality and expensive wines. 

Rad was watching in a more relaxed manner, with him taking the trip many times before, sometimes on his own or even accompanied by his parents and/or sisters. 

Elvira, on the other hand, was watching the scenery pass by with more wonder and awe, this being her first ever trip away from home at a long distance and without her parents. 

A few more minutes passed and the speaker dinged, causing Rad to glance up at where it was closer to the front of the traincar. 

“Now approaching Hellis, please remain seated while the train is entering the station” said the prerecorded voice, having said the exact same line it always did whenever the train was entering the city. 

Rad smiled, the Toxic Sludge demon returning his attention down to Elvira, meeting her happy and excited gaze, the Velociraptor Angler demoness giggling and clapping. 

“Heh, that’s right, we’re almost there. Sure wish we didn’t waste that extra hour waiting for this delayed train, though” said Rad, smiling at first, but he then frowned and muttered the last part under his breath, feeling annoyed by what had happened. 

They had been waiting an hour for the train they were currently on, having found out that it would be delayed by a few minutes only to wait for nearly an entire hour because of a scheduling mistake. They first had to take a fast bullet train to Los Hellis before switching onto the large locomotive they were currently on. 

Since it was nearly midnight, Rad had been expecting Elvira to fall asleep at some point during their trip, but he was happy to see that she was still awake considering she was on her own sleep schedule where she slept mostly during the day. 

Elvira giggled, snapping home out of his thoughts to look down at her. 

The Velociraptor Angler demoness simply gave him a smile, as if to reassure him that everything was alright and that she didn’t mind being in his company. 

Rad chuckled, patting her head. 

“Yeah, glad we can finally spend some quality time together. Slendithera was really hogging you all to herself, huh?” asked Rad, the Toxic Sludge demon now frowning worriedly at the thought of his sister waking up and finding her niece gone. 

The Toxic Sludge demon quickly shook the thought out of this head before returning his attention back to Elvira, the Velociraptor Angler demoness having returned her attention back out the window. 

They were now entering Hellis, the large city brightly lit with a warm welcoming light. It was unlike the bright neon lighting of Los Hellis, the dim and nearly dark lights of New Helleans, or the busy lights of New Strip City that kept almost everyone awake at night.

The speakers dinged on again, but this time, with a different message. 

“Thank you for riding with us, and we hope you all have a wonderful night in Hellis. We hope to see you ride this train again” said the pre-recorded message as the train slowed to a stop into the station. 

Rad quickly got up, despite there being no other passengers in the train car, having been used to the much busier subways and bullet trains as opposed to the more relaxed locomotives. 

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