Chapter 10

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Benedict cleared his throat, causing us to turn and stare at him. Time to take an opportunity! I put a worried expression on my face and  started to get up.

"Are you well, Lord Benedict?" I came over to where he was seated.

"I-I am fine." I looked at his surprised face and placed the back of my hand against his forehead. Seemed normal temp.

"No fever. Your eyes look well, though those dark circles are concerning. Let me see your wrist. I will check your pulse." He let me put my fingers on his vein, and It seemed normal. I stepped back a bit.

"You seem fine...if you have any symptoms, let me know. I am sure you have a family doctor, but it is always best to get a second opinion. " he nodded and looked a bit touched at my care. I smiled at him and turned to Eloise.

"I know you need more sleep." I teased her. She grinned at me and nodded.

"That is true." She acquiesced.

"Lavender and chamomile tea with a bit of honey before bed helps. Sometimes, using lavender oil at night can help, too." She smiled at me.

"I will try that."

"Lady Violet, you should as well it helps soothe and release stress. With 4 boys, I imagine it is highly stressful to deal with the lot of them." I teased as I returned to my seat. She and Daphne laughed as the boys made disgruntled noises. The meal was served steak, not bad.

Anthony cleared his throat and turned to me. "Lady Penelope, are you well versed in healing?" I smiled sweetly at him.

"In a way, I suppose. Mainly herbal medicine and natural remedies."  Anthony looked thought full for a moment.

"How interesting! Why did you not mention it to me?" Eloise chimed in definitely intrigued by the topic.

" is one of the subjects I took interest in when I was taking time to myself, to be honest." I noticed Gregory was having a hard time cutting his steak. I genteelly took his fork and knife and cut  it for him. Hyacinth patted my arm as I finished and handed Gregory his fork. She handed me her utensils, and I cut her stake for her as well.  I finished and handed her back the utensils. I gave both children a pat on the head and smiled at Eloise. I cut a piece of meat and noticed most everyone looked pensive and perplexed even.

"If you are interested in learning the subject, I learned from Mrs. Fuller her husband is a doctor and she knows quite at bit on healing. I am sure she would be more than happy to have another student. " I smiled sweetly and took a bite of my food. Eloise looked interested but not overly so. She must have other interests like her writing. 

"I shall think on it." she stated. I nodded and looked over to the children to make sure they were alright both seemed well enough but Gregory started loading up this spoon with peas no doubt to throw them at Hyacinth. I placed my hand on his over the spoon. 

"It is not polite to throw peas at your sister. She will get you back later, best save yourself the trouble and not throw those." I giggled and let his hand go. He looked up at me and huffed. He took his spoon and shoved it in his mouth  with rough chewing. I patted his head and Hyacinth smiled at me. 

"Do you like children Lady Penelope?" Lady Violet asked sweetly. Her innocent smile does not fool me.  I noticed Anthony next to her was a bit concerned about the question too. I gave her a bright smile. 

"Indeed. I wish for as many as my future husband provides me with." I said with a giggle. I could feel Eloise's stare on me and hear the gentlemen choke at that statement. Lady Violet smiled and laughed at my statement. 

"That can be many." I giggled with her at the little joke. The boys started coughing at that. 

"Mother." Anthony tried to get her to stop. She smiled at me and ignored him. 

"Did you happen to meet anyone who you hope might propose?" Oh mom wants to nip it in the bud and get Anthony's attention on me ASAP.  Her children looked scandalized. I laughed and moved a stray hair back. 

"Not quite yet. I am looking for very specific qualities."  I gave her my I know what you are up to look. She smiled back at me. 

"Perhaps someone shall catch your eye soon." she said joyfully very much not caring I was on to her. I gave her a pretty laugh and gentle smile. I noted Anthony looked a bit concerned as did his siblings though for different reasons. 

"One can only hope." A sad little smile on my lips. 

Dinner continued on without too much fuss after that. After a little bit Lady Violet basically threw Anthony into escorting me home. My maids followed behind us a few steps.

"I was not able to tell you before but you look lovely in green." He looked down at me as my arm was in his. His gaze steady but with a fire in them. I gave him a small smile.

"Thank you, Lord Anthony. It is always nice to hear a complement." I gave him a cheeky little smirk and looked forward. 

He chuckled as we reached the front door. The maids went to open the door for me. My mother's head maid already waiting inside. 

"Well. I hope you have a good evening Lady Penelope." He took my hand and kissed it. My eyes widened and I blushed. 

"Good evening, Lord Anthony." I said it a slightly husky tone as I turned and walked away. I practically floated up the steps and turned to see him still watching me. I gave him a tiny wave and went inside my prison cell.  

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