Chapter 19

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Eloise did not, in fact, pick books quickly.

Anthony walked alongside me in the shop with the silly butterfly flying back and forth between us the whole time. Honestly, if the universe is sending me a sign to give him a chance... I suppose just maybe, this is it.

I glanced around the shop and noticed the lady from across the street hiding behind a shelf, being a creeper looking only at Anthony. Maybe I should play a little bit. After all, what is life without some fun?

With a languid and delicate sort of movement, I attempted to reach a book on the top shelf. I made sure to stretch out a bit so that my dress would shift a bit, and he could see the outline of my figure a bit better. I worked hard to get a pretty round butt. Someone needs to appreciate it!

It took him a little while before he grabbed the book I was attempting to reach. Once I saw his hand grab the book, I turned with a cute, surprised expression. His eyes seemed to darken as he handed the book to me. He leaned close to my ear and whispered in a husky voice.

"You did not do that on purpose, did you Penelope?" A shiver ran down my spine. A challenge? I turned towards him slightly with a confused expression.

" Whatever, do you mean Anthony?" My tone sweet making sure to play with his name. His stare intensified when we heard a clearing of the throat to our left. There she was, pretty girl.

I took note that Anthony looked unimpressed and coldly at the poor girl. Dang, man, give your lil mistress some love. Why you so cold? I turned towards her and gave her my best dazzling smile. Charisma to 100 percent.

"Oh, we do apologize! There is a book you wished for on the shelf, correct?" I placed my hand out, which Anthony took in his own, and we moved away from said shelf together as if dancing.

The woman looked confused and slightly upset. It was then I tilted my head as if thinking and then let go of Anthony's hand and righted myself as if I had an epiphany.

"Wait, a moment I know where I have seen you before! The opera house. Siena Rosso, correct?" She looked shocked and like she was about to run away. I turned towards Anthony, who looked shook at my statement. I gave him my best customer service smile and patted his shoulder.

"Worry not. I shall go find your sister." I winked at him and turned and did my hot girl walk away from him towards Siena. I pushed a stray curl back when the butterfly landed on my hand.

I turned back towards Anthony. He looked like he wanted me back at his side.

"The butterfly shall be safe with me Lord Bridgerton." He looked upset at me for leaving and saying his last name instead of Anthony. A beautiful sad little smile made its way on my face. I made sure he saw it as I turned and walked away.




"Lady Penelope let me escort you to my sister." He came to my side and took my arm into his. He smiled down at me and moved the same stubborn curl back. I gave him a soft pretty smile and we continued on our way. Past Siena Rosso. Sorry girl gotta secure my own future.

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