chapter 24

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       It took me a better part of two days to get the ledgers organized. It is then that I was able to confirm my suspensions to Portia.

"We have enough money to fund how we are living for two or three years if we are frugal and one proper dowery or three extremely pitiful ones." I sighed and leaned back in the chair with Portia fuming.

"How did he let this happen?!" She started pacing back and forth. Her face twisted in rage, and she looked like she was about to go beat her husband up herself. She let out a breath and calmed herself. "We need to get all of you married off quickly."

"Even if we did mother, the doweries would be a problem.  I can see if perhaps I can get someone who will agree to no dowry. That way, one of my sisters can have a decent amount. We will have to be incredibly cunning in order to pull it off, but it is possible." I started massaging my temples to hopefully hold off the headache I knew was coming.

"Penelope. Is there anything we can do to increase our finances? I know you are just a young lady, but you are a bright one." I moved my hands down and stared into her eyes.

"I do, actually. It is going to take a little bit of maneuvering in order to make sure it is extremely profitable." Portia nodded for me to continue.

With a ring of the bell, I asked Martha to help Marina bring in the business proposal and products.


  The day had come for Penelope to visit. The whole home was a buzz with activity preparing for her and her cousin's arrival. Colin got nervous at that, oddly enough. Eloise whispered to her that Penelope had mentioned Colin had been interested in her cousin when she joined them for a meal. Which Daphne remembers she had indeed mentioned that.

    Well, the cousin present or not, they each had a role to play. If Colin wished to continue having a supply of treats, he knows what he needs to do.

Benedict was walking around the room, placing his paintings and sketches for display. He had an energy to him that made her wish to tease him about his nervousness. Though perhaps not as Hyacinth and Gregory added to the stress running around Ben as he placed things.

   Anthony had been busy the past few days. Daphne could tell he had not a clue what was going on when he came down to greet everyone and saw organized chaos in the sitting room.

Right when everyone was settled, the butler came to announce their arrival.

P is for PenelopeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant