Chapter 5

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We made it over and greeted each other. Simon and Anthony doing the Bro hug thing. I smiled over at Daphne and got close enough so we could whisper to each other. 

"I noticed your brother is not letting you dance. Let me distract him and you dance with the Duke. I am sure once you do more gentlemen will ask for a dance. Hopefully I can keep him busy long enough for a few dances."  I whispered quickly. She looked relieved and nodded at me in agreement to the plan.

"He gets upset when he is questioned about his decisions and hates it when he is interrupted. He will chase you if you leave him in the middle of an argument." She looked like she was desperate at this point. I nodded and motioned for her to bring me over to him.  

"Brother, I hate to interrupt but Lady Penelope was hoping to speak with you." Ooh she really wants me to fight her lion. I smiled up at him sweetly. He looked down at me with some concern. 

"How may I be of assistance?" He seemed to be concerned as his family had not heard about me from Eloise for the past three months. I walked to stand a bit closer but still a "Respectable" distance. 

"I believe it would be better to question how I may assist you Viscount." I countered with a cheeky little smirk. He looked more concerned now. Best to dash his hopes of me trying to get him out of his breeches now. I let a soft giggle escape my lips and smiled. "I merely mean to help bring perspective to how important this evening is for your sister's future."  A frown marred his face immediately.

"It is a fact I know very well. I do believe I have the matter settled well enough." He was trying to end the conversation but well I am persistent at best and a plague at my worst. I smiled back at him allowing myself to move to the other side of him as if stalking my prey. I took note Daphne and Simon were indeed on the dance floor. Anthony kept his eyes glued to me. Good right where I want him. 

" Do you Viscount? My family have been at this ball for at least  three hours already and My cousin Marina and I have danced 6 times each. Marina Perhaps more now." I want to argue with someone tonight hopefully he gives me what I want. He glared at me, causing me to smile in return. He is being very expressive. 

"How exactly is that relevant. " He was seething. His anger really made me want to tease him more. 

"I do believe you know exactly what I mean, Viscount Bridgerton." He looked ready to throw hands. He must want to shake me for my insolence.  

"Your dear sister. Needs. To. Dance. Other wise the ton will question her Diamond status."  I decided to put him out of his misery and be frank. 

"Nonsense!" he whisper yelled at me. I laughed and turned as if to walk away and looked back at him over my shoulder. 

"Is it?" I giggled and walked away slowly. Making sure to keep my head high and shoulders back. I heard an honest to goodness growl escape him as he walked up to match my speed and tapped my shoulder. I turned to look at him serene as could be with a soft smile. He opened his mouth to argue I am sure but I need to make interject to make sure it does not get too loud. 

"Do you wish to dance with me Viscount Bridgerton?" The question seemed to throw him off completely. He just stared at me before asking properly if I would dance with him. I placed my hand in his. He squeezed my hand as he brought me to the dance floor.

   Penelope was not the best dancer but she was not the worst. If she had been more confident she could have been a very good dancer. Dancing was a very good way to let go the stress so I made sure to practice the dances that Penelope had memorized. That is why when Anthony squeezed my hand I squeezed back and got into place perfectly as they began the dance. 

When we faced each other he seemed lost in thought. Then  his face turned a bit sour looking. Already I could tell he got the wrong idea again. He must think that dancing with him was my plan all along. A soft scoff left my lips as I caught his eyes with my own. His brows scrunched in confusion. 

"My plan did not involve us dancing together but it works out for what I had been wanting." I let a winning smile come across my face as we turned and Anthony got a full look at Daphne dancing with another nice looking Lord.  His eyes widened and he seemed like he was about to run over there. I squeezed his arm and clung on to him to keep him from running over there.

 " Your mother is watching over her. Look." He seemed to spot his mother who smiled at him and nodded. He sighed and looked down at me. I could tell he was very upset with me for manipulating him. 

"It is for the best, you need to let her dance. If you wish to give her the best opportunity to find a worthy match you need to follow some customs." I whispered to him. As we danced I could tell his anger was leaving him slowly.

"I do want what is best for Daphne. It is merely that I know who most of these men are and they are not worthy of her." He finally whispered to me. I smiled at him as I turned back towards him. 

"Of course that is understandable but you need to let her make her own conclusions as well. After all she will be the one married to the man. You will not have to suffer the consequences of a terrible match but she will." I looked him straight in the eyes and implored him to understand honestly. His eyes widened as he looked at me. 

"You are right." he finally whispered as the dance ended.  I smiled brightly and we made our way over to his mother. After our greetings Anthony finally seemed to get it together and began to pick out gentleman he knew would not be terrible dance partners for Daphne. I smiled at Lady Bridgerton and she smiled back at me. I stood closer to her to pay my respects before I looked for Marina again.  She took my hand into hers. 

"Thank you Penelope. I know how stubborn my son can be and you truly gave us a miracle  tonight." She gave me the sweetest smile I have seen since waking up her. I gave her a hug and smiled genuinely at her. 

"I am glad to be of assistance. I noticed Lady Daphne had not been on the dance floor and had an idea why." I told her with a cheeky smirk. She laughed and patted my shoulder. 

"You truly are very clever. As her Majesty said..."

" A wild rose indeed."  

A different voice echoed from behind me. 

I turned and curtsied towards Lady Danbury.

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