Chapter 20

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Daphne and Benedict stared at each other. Penelope wrapped Anthony around her finger easily.

Benedict grinned as if to say , "we can use this to our advantage!". Daphne raised a single brow as if to say, "we need to get her to agree first." Benedict sighed and nodded.

They saw Anthony leading Penelope over to Eloise. Eloise immediately took Penelope away from Anthony, who looked a bit miffed at having Pen ripped away from him.

They gave each other a side eye. They needed to tell their mother immediately. She would be more than able to get them matched this season without any delays. With a mutual nod, they made their way over to the trio. Thankfully, the rest of the day went well, and they successfully escorted Penelope Featherington home.


Anthony locked himself in his office, which worked perfectly as Daphne, Benedict, and their mother as they had a meeting in the sitting room.

"Well, it sounds like it will be a bit of a challenge to secure Penelope's hand. There will certainly be a bit of competition, and if Anthony does not move quickly, she may very well marry someone else." Their mother thought perhaps if she spoke to Lady Danbury, she may help them find a gentleman that is willing to help push Anthony to move quickly. Though that in itself could prove to disastrous if the other party falls in love too or if sweet Penelope does.


"What if we ask Colin to pay Miss. Penelope some attention in front of Anthony at the next ball." They all stared at one another.

"Perhaps if we create an opportunity for him to interact with her, he shall be amiable to the idea." Daphne mused. Benedict nodded he had the perfect idea.

"Perhaps an invitation to view the art pieces I have here to help me build an art portfolio as she mentioned." Benedict interjected. Violet smiled at them with such a bright smile they knew they had to end the season with at least one person married.

Benedict cleared his throat. Anthony would be the one guaranteed to if he did not fuck it up. He needed a drink.

"Daphne darling, write the invitation. Benedict, I am going to need your help preparing Colin. Hopefully, in a few days, everything will be set in motion. "

Benedict shudder. He prayed he was not next.

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