Chapter 6

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Lady Danbury smiled, well barely smiled, to be honest, but it was there. Duke Hastings stood next to her smirking like the cat that got the cream. Either the dance went really well, or he gave Lady Danbury the Tea. Perhaps all of the above.

"Good evening, Lady Danbury." I let a soft smile grace my lips as I moved my hands towards my lap and posed my fingers to look delicate.

"Good evening, Lady Featherington." She looks highly amused. Perhaps I should do something else tonight to stir the pot. Nothing too scandalous cause I still have to keep my reputation clean. The things I do to live like the rich gurl I always wanted to be.

"I must say your skin looks radiant, Lady Featherington." She raised one brow as she gazed at my face. I could feel a blush come on my cheeks. It has been a while since I have been complimented genuinely. It feels nice.

"Thank you, Lady Danbury. There are a few different things I have implemented in my routines that have helped me feel and look my best." I allowed myself to give her a Colgate smile. She actually let a soft chuckle escape. She moved closer to my other side, so I was between Lady Bridgerton and Lady Danbury.

"Perhaps we should get her to divulge her beauty secrets, Lady Violet." Lady Bridgerton chuckled, and a giggle escaped my lips as well. "Perhaps some tea together. Expect an invitation soon." I smiled at her and nodded. 

"I shall make sure to bring some of my recipes and notes." Both Lady Bridgerton and Lady Danbury laughed at that. Though I am serious, this could be my opportunity to get the ladies behind possibly opening a version of an MLM among nobility using vanity as a driver like Avon or Mary Kay.

 I can see myself rich AF. I got a few different types of cosmetics in mind that are super easy to make and have a stable shelf life. Most importantly, they can give more visible results that will make people more inclined to buy. As a woman, it will be difficult, but if I get myself a husband that is willing to help out, we could make a lot of money. If only I could find a good candidate, he would need to be smart, loving, and supportive. A hard find, honestly. 

I glanced around softly, looking for my cousin. I spotted her surrounded again by men. They hover like sharks after fresh meat. "Speaking of which, I had been speaking to my cousin about some of my beauty secrets before my mother guided me away to make some introductions. Poor Cousin Marina looks to be surrounded." I let a worried frown show on my face. I turned to both ladies and smiled sweetly. 

"A lady's work is never done. I shall go save my cousin she must be tired of dancing." Both women smiled at me and nodded. I curtsied and glided over to my cousin. 

I was only a few feet away when I was stopped by Colin Bridgerton. Penelope's crush. He is cute but not really my type. I like either clean cut, put together to a T or rugged, would fight for you any day and win. Colin just looked charming and cute. I would not trust him to fight and kill for me. 

"Penelope! That is your cousin, correct?" He whispered, looking at Marina. I really wanted to smack him. I was trying to make my way over to her to help, and here he is holding me up. 

"Yes. She is." was my short answer. He glanced at me finally and did a double take. I look beautiful, yes. Tell me I am pretty and I might give you a chance. 

"Would you introduce me to her?" He stuttered a bit. I let out a sigh. This is what I get for giving out chances. 

"If you like. I am making my way over to her. " I raised a brow and frowned at him. Honestly, stopping a woman and not even complementing her. 

I turned away and continued my way over. His steps behind me irritated me. Maybe I could get some other men to hype me up. After all, I got a body ody any man would be grateful for, I am not hurt. This loser did not complement me. Okay, I am. Jerk. Let it go. Not every person has good taste all the time. I let a giggle escape and quickly came over to Marina's side. 

"Marina! I apologize. It took me forever to come back." I said sweetly as I reached to hug her. She hugged me back and smiled brightly. 

"Save me they have not left me alone since you left." she whispered in my ear as we hugged. I tapped her back as I let go and turned to the vultures that did not leave my cousin alone. 

"Excuse me, gentlemen, have you all greeted my dear mother, Lady Featherington? I am sure she is nearby." They looked at each other confused and back at me. I frowned and sighed. "Miss. Marina Thompson is in her care Afterall" Now some looked a bit alarmed. 

"Indeed, Lady Penelope. I have spoken to Lady Featherington, and she seemed a bit upset that those that have been wanting to dance have not spoke to her as she is in the Lady's care." Colin interjected, chuckling. The crowd dispersed to go find mother and perhaps charm her into letting them dance and such with my cousin. 

I turned to Marina and introduced her to Colin as he had accosted me for the chance.  He asked her to dance and she agreed. They looked cute together with a shrug. I made my way to the snack table. I will let girly do what she will and support her.

As I was just a few feet away, when someone blocked my way. It was a pretty girl with a snooty sort of look on her face. I let a neutral expression settle on my face. I was very much looking forward to getting a bite to eat. I am starting to get a bit cranky and am in no mood to deal with anyone. 

"You look nice Penelope. Lost a lot of weight have you. Still not very pretty but I am sure some men will over look that." she stated as if that was supposed to make me cry. I do not care. Snacks are mission priority. 

"Pardon me." I stated softly as I passed. I felt someone yank me back by my wrist. I let myself fall back onto the floor with a soft gasp escaping my lips. I fell on my butt with my hands, keeping me from falling all the way back.

My hands and booty stung from the fall. I let tears well up and fall for dramatic purposes. I am quite the actress. Perhaps I should have done that in my world.

"Lady Featherington!" I turned and saw Anthony rush over to me. His eyes were wide as he looked me over and offered his hands to me. I placed my hands into his, and he helped me up. He was looking out for me. Maybe I should add him to the possible matches list. 

"Thank you, Lord Bridgerton." I fake whispered softly. I widened my eyes a little bit and let a soft weak smile come across my face. He looked worried for me and glanced at my hands. They looked really red and like they might bruise.

He turned to glare at the person who yanked me. Lo and behold, it was Snooty girl who had a shocked look on her face. I was going to let the words go like water off a ducks back but she had to go and yank me. 

Penny don't play when it comes to revenge, watch out snooty girl. Time to make her look worse!

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