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According to Wednesday, everything had gone well. she had solved the mystery, defeated the insane redivorced wizard and captured his followers.

she had realized that her "type" of partner was one who turned willy-nilly into a murderous monster.

she had, albeit indirectly and on this occasion unpleasantly, caused the death of the school principal.

As a side effect of solving the mystery and saving the school, she had the gratitude and admiration of everyone.

She also had a stalker now threatening her with death through that horrible electronic contraption of total emptiness.

Yet ever since she left Nevermore and had returned to Addams Manor, to the life she hoped would be dark and especially lonely again, she felt something was missing.

A piece of her seemed to be left at Nevermore but she didn't understand what it was, she had said goodbye to the friends she had disgustingly found, she had a new clueless if tender little brother and the fact that they didn't share blood made it much more bearable, an enemy-friend who would have been a good rival especially in fencing and a tormenting artist who apparently cares for her despite having him imprisoned, even giving her that infernal contraption that drains the souls of its users.

The only moment she felt something strange was when she said goodbye to her now-disgustingly best friend Enid Sinclair after what in the forest was her first real and sincere hug-she had expected that even at their goodbye at the end of school they would hug, but the werewolf girl implied that that was an exception and that they would return to their traditional non-hugs.

It was only at that moment, for the first time in her life, that Wednesday Addams missed being hugged.

At the moment she had not given it a second thought; after all, the werewolf girl had snatched her from Hyde's death claws, and her wolf form had rather caught the attention of the Ravenclaw. Who nothing could but confirm that she was attracted to her roommate's new and wild wolf nature. Yet as summer vacation passed, she increasingly missed the obnoxious, rainbowy, corny side that shared her room at Nevermore Academy.

It was a month after the end of school, during the very first Full Moon away from Nevermore, that Wednesday heard s something in the vicinity of Addams Palace that had not been heard in years. Wolves howling. Both regular Wolves and Werewolves had long since left that property, ever since the Addamses made furs of them. Don't get any ideas, the Addams are not hunters of Wolves, nor do they hate them or have anything against them. Simply generations ago a pack of Wolves antagonized the Addams family and unpleasant consequences for the furry semi-quadrupeds ensued, since then no other wolves have approached the woods surrounding the property.

Wednesday Addams is sure of it though, a lone wolf, as she heard a single howl, was in the area. Its howl kept her awake all night, not in an annoying way but in a nostalgic way. The girl upon hearing the howl felt a piece of herself missing in her heart, which irritated her deeply, as she was deeply a big believer that Wednesday Addams did not have a heart, but after that night, after hearing that howl, it crept into the young raven's analytical mind that perhaps the much detested Addams family curse had not avoided her as she had hoped.

The next day at breakfast, Wednesday decided to question what to her was the foremost expert on the subject, her mother, Morticia Addams

"Mother, I have a question for you."

Morticia looks up happy and surprised that her daughter would question her about something; after all, her daughter has always hated asking for help, from le especially.

"Certainly my daughter. Just ask."

Wednesday sits in the chair next to her mother, surprising Morticia even more; after all, her daughter has always chosen the chair farthest from the rest of the family.

"Did you happen to hear the howling of a wolf tonight, more specifically a werewolf?"

It was her father who answered her in his usual cheerful voice.

"My dear storm of deadly clouds there have been no more Werewolves or Wolves in general on the Addams' properties for generations."

Wednesday turns around in curiosity; after all, werewolves were one of the races her father most admired, not to notice their presence would be a serious failing on her part.

"Yet tonight I am more than sure that I heard the howl of a wolf, or rather, saw the dulcet notes, of a She-wolf from my window, kept me awake all night, making it impossible for me to sleep."

Her mother Morticia looks at her with a loving smile, glad that her daughter has had an unpleasant experience, but immediately Wednesday feels compelled to correct her, understanding full well the meaning of her smile.

"I'm sorry mother but it's not what you think. It's true, I didn't sleep and that left me quite exhausted this morning. But that howl was simply magnificent, I felt lulled by its notes. The only reason I didn't sleep was that I couldn't stop listening to it. she was so distant, she was hinting at me--in fact, she himself was telling me not to try to reach him, but that somehow we would find each other."

The mother is quite shocked by her daughter's words, never from Wednesday would she have expected such corny and totally out-of-character words that her daughter had created for herself in her last 17 years of life.

It was his father again who intervened, starting first with what was first a shocked face, then a cheerful and enthusiastic one.

"My dear patch of darkness, my very young bringer of death, you too, albeit with all your reluctance, carry the curse of the Addams family. The love we give to the world. Our love, our heart. Which is only for one person and her alone."

Wednesday's face, as always totally neutral, for her family says it all, terror, horror, fear. This new experience was definitely not for her, but she missed it, she missed those who shared this bond with her, and unfortunately, putting together pieces she already possessed but had no idea were such, she had already figured out the identity of the unfortunate person her heart had chosen, as she would not wish even her worst enemy the misfortune of being chosen by her black heart.

"And from what you've told us Little One, apparently it must have been one of the young Wolves of the Nevermore who kidnapped your heart, if only you were able to hear his howls. Although we should be talking more about Lupe than Wolves, given what you have told us. And we are well acquainted with a Lupe that you are particularly fond of."

Wednesday sighs. There is no point in trying to hide it or deflect the topic; she might as well take advantage of her parents' boundless knowledge of love to try to resolve the situation, since she knows well that an Addams if she rejects her love, she is doomed to a death that she refuses to accept.

"Yes, in fact it is very likely that it is her, after all, I had done some research on the Werewolves. During their first transformation or at any rate during all their transformations under the full moon. These have an unnatural instinct to seek, find and especially protect their mate if they have already come in contact with it. For my part, it is acceptable that I did not realize this, as the Addams' love does not have such different alarm bells than that of a normal human being; the layer dividing love and hate is thin and it is easy to get confused. For Werewolves it is rarer not to realize this, but it does happen if these have never had their first transformation, as in the case.... Enid's. Hand has already confirmed to me that the first thing howled and done by Enid after her transformation is the intent to come after me. Her first impulse after transforming was to find and protect me. She faced a Hyde, a creature that would normally kill an adult werewolf without too much trouble in order to protect me and came out victorious, this could only make her the ideal candidate for me, what would be better as a life partner than a savage cruel killing machine? If it weren't for her side composed of sweets, stuffed toys and rainbows."

Her father nods very much in agreement with his daughter's words, and her mother is no different, so they decide to quietly continue the rest of breakfast having realized that their daughter has everything under control and will most likely use the summer to make sure that when she returns to the Academy in September, she can best handle the situation with what will become part of their family, willingly or unwillingly, as no one in that house alive dead or hand intends to let young Wednesday die at the hands of the family's horrendous curse.

My Wolf, My CrowOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant