Dinner with the Addams Family

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Two hours, two fucking hours Enid had to spend listening to Wednesday Addams put absurd stakes in what should have been their relationship, Enid had realized after the first 5 points that there would be very little love, at least from a physical point of view.

Fortunately, dinner with the Addams family was proceeding more normally than the she-wolf had ever hoped for, given the dishes served at previous meals, thankfully Grandma Addams had modified the various menus with alternatives especially for her.

"My dear, do you like stew?"

In front of le Enid had a huge table set with all kinds of dishes, from meat, to pasta, to vegetables, dishes of all kinds and cultures, mostly Mexican since her grandmother had been the cook and she was still connected to her roots.

"It's so good Mrs. Addams, really!"

Morticia smiles at her.

"Oh my little one, I already told you to call me Morticia, and anyway you shouldn't compliment me but Grandma."

Enid turns her gaze toward the grandma immediately ready to pay her compliments, but the grandma's biased gaze immediately makes her realize how she should begin the sentence.

"Grandma ... everything is really delicious."

The smile that is painted on the old woman's face goes from ear to ear; it is uncanny to Enid, but she senses its warmth and affection.

Wednesday, on the other hand, is seated next to her, although next to is an understatement since they are three feet apart; across from her is Pugsley, to whose left sits Morticia, with her grandmother seated at the head of the table on one side and Gomez seated at the head of the table on the other, who never let go of his wife's hand, in fact the two of them performed maneuvers to eat using both cutlery with one hand that were nothing short of circus-like.

Enid, too, would like this modicum of affection from Wednesday but does not even dare to let her imply it; she smiles, eats, laughs with Pugsley, talks about cooking with Grandma, talks about flowers with Morticia, listens to Gomez's stories, does everything to ignore the urge to take Wednesday's hand from under the table or even just lean her knee against her even as she would have to stretch with her whole leg given the distances to Wednesday.

"Dear, I think next time we should set Enid and Wednesday's seats closer together, I think from today our daughter will no longer want to have a whole part of the table just for her, she will want to be closer to her future bride."

The she-wolf turned burgundy and her heart stopped beating; if Wednesday had not caught her anxieties and doubts, Morticia, on the other hand, had caught them in full.

"Thank you mother but there is no need, Enid and I are fine."

Enid from red to white, Wednesday was not 1 m away from her, was it? How is it that from one moment to the next she began to inhale its scent so well and especially to almost feel its warmth or better said: frost. The she-wolf slowly turned her head, she didn't hear the chair move, she didn't see anyone hinting at any movements, but now Wednesday had totally shifted until their chairs almost collided.

"If you're wondering when I moved dear, know that I did it slowly throughout dinner, the connection is quite annoying but this way at least I can enjoy my spider stew in peace."

Wednesday had whispered the words knowing full well that with her wolf-like hearing, unlike the rest of the family, Enid could hear her perfectly, but that did not stop the now corpse-white girl from turning tomato-colored again. The situation certainly does not improve when Wednesday spreads her legs slightly until her knee touches Enid's.

It was not until an hour later, when by then they had eaten (devoured) appetizer, first course, second course, and had arrived at dessert that Enid finally elaborates on Wednesday's words


List Limits Relationship signed by Wednesday Addams & Enid Sinclair

Point 2: In private Enid Sinclair is allowed the initiation of only minimal physical interactions such as: Holding hands, gentle leaning, stroking only arms or face.

Paragraph 1: During the regular writing hour of Wednesday Addams, Enid Sinclair is not allowed any kind of interaction, whether physical or verbal, romantic, amorous or sexual.

Paragraph 2: Wednesday Addams is forbidden to disturb Enid while she is using her cell phone or computer, unless this is specifically requested.

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