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Fear, terror, horror, anxiety-these were the words that described Enid's state of mind at this moment.

She thought that after the transformation she would be happy, excited to spend time with her parents, but now, after school was over, after greeting her best friend with their classic non-hug and finding herself in the car with her parents. Enid was terrified of having to talk to her mother.

Obviously her parents had been informed by the doctors in the girl's first transformation, and now her mother did nothing but talk and talk and talk about how they would spend all summer preparing Enid to be a perfect urban werewolf and how they would travel all over America to search for a wolf who could be her mate for life.

Enid doesn't have the courage, doesn't really have the guts to tell her that her wolf is broken, broken from feeling the bond, practically hugging him, she doesn't remember who or what it was, the only thing she remembers from that night is the confrontation with Hyde and hugging Wednesday, nothing else. She knows her wolf made the connection, but with whom, it remains a mystery to her.

With disappointment she knows he is not Ajax, she kissed the boy when she left school but did not feel the bond forming, rather she felt a very strong revulsion for him.

Now the fear of having to disappoint her mother again, telling her that her wolf is quivering with anxiety to return to Nevermore to re-embrace and solidify the bond with her mate, terrifies her.

She is in a constant state of depression because of anxiety the first week at home, practically a zombie, staying in bed most of the day and eating little. Her father is very worried, she had never heard him talk so much, her mother, on the other hand, is disappointed again, disappointed in her, who even as a wolf still proves to be weak and totally incapable of being a viable member of the pack.

her mother came into the room on the morning of the second week, throwing open the door to her room angrily and tearing down the curtains from the window to let in the light.

"Come on Enid get up! Today we must perforce begin your training to become a perfect city wolf. We have to split your human part from your wolf part, so that we leave all the wild behaviors not exactly suitable for modern civilization to the animal part and the full moon and make you a perfect young lady."

Enid's wolf roars, literally, Enid also growls at her mother, albeit in a more restrained way, but the claws come out piercing the water mattress causing irritation and fury in the woman in front of her.

Enid and her wolf know very well that this is something they must not allow, they refuse to split apart, they refuse to split in two what is their nature, their souls are already divided, broken and destroying themselves slowly that they spend too much time away from their mate and still she cringes trying to figure out who this person is, she smells him, feels his hands on her, feels everything that she apparently does not remember ever spending with a person in Nevermore except Ajax however her body remembers him well, very well.

"Enid, don't you dare come at me, look what you've done, you're going to clean up this mess, and then I'd settle for the mattress in the garage."

In a final rush of anger her mother leaves the room and returns downstairs, where Enid still hears her complaining about her to her father, still describing her as a disappointment, a burden to the pack.

Slowly the girl got out of bed, the shaking of the covers showing open packages of snacks and empty soda bottles, all things her father had secretly passed to her after Enid refused to eat with the family.

The first thing is to throw (so to speak) all the garbage into the already overflowing trash can, then grab the now almost deflated pink mattress and throw it frustratedly out the window, loud cries from her mother ensue, of course, about how she has ruined her lawn, but she ignores them. She then heads to the closet where she gets the necessary supplies to clean up her room.

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