Engaged but...

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"Gomez! Come on! We have to prepare the guest list! Come on! Come on! Come on!

"Mother waits."

"Yes, Mon Cherí I make the list of my family's relatives you make the list of yours."

"Father, No!"

"Oh! We have to choose the font for the format of the invitations, also the paper, the cover, I still have the samples from our wedding! Gomez where did we put them?"

"That's enough now! Both of you stop!"

"Tish for decorations I just saw some matte black decorations yesterday that would look good."


By Wednesday, now exasperated by the eruption of parental enthusiasm, she had picked up an antique pistol that was hanging on the wall (apparently the said pistol was obviously loaded and ready to fire) the corvina did not think twice and fired into the air to overpower the parents' voices.

"So! As Hand gets Enid, who got so embarrassed that she fainted, back on camera..."

Hand beckons to the two adults while with smelling salts he tries to bring Enid back unconscious on the floor.

"I want to be more than clear, I have accepted the bond with Enid, she has accepted it with me, we have declared ourselves and I have not yet proposed to her to be my betrothed, but it will happen soon."

The smiles on her parents' faces go from ear to ear, they are so excited and charged like springs ready to snap.

"But there will not be ... at least before graduation ... a marriage between Enid and me."

Enid who had recovered faints again hearing only the last sentence.

"Ma....mia little viper, you love each other, your love is so pure, what could be more pure than the bond of the wolf combined with the Addams curse? There can be no truer love in the world, except that between me and your mother of course, which I can surpass what you two have..."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you father, but as much as I accept my love for our bond still I have to familiarize myself with this fact of intimate relationship, we didn't even kiss, we just held hands and hugged, that's it. It will take time before I can even agree to share more than the room with Enid, even more to consummate an eventual marriage."

In the meantime, the poor werewolf had recovered, albeit still groggy, and had heard Wednesday's words; she was obviously sorry for them, but it was something easily foreseeable and something she had factored in by falling in love with the raven, but one thing was not clear to her.

"In what sense is consummating a marriage?"

Wednesday would like to prevent her new girl from repeatedly fainting, so once she helps her up, she pats her cheek.

"We'll talk about it when you're older."

Enid, who at first had been delighting in Wednesday's icy touch on her skin still burning with embarrassment, recoils back sharply, pulling a sharp.


There Morticia intervenes, wanting to prevent the first discussion of the two from being about certain topics; after all, they are still little girls.

"My child, you little dark cloud, I imagined something like this would happen, I'm sorry I got carried away but in this week that Enid has been with us we have all grown attached to her, by now it is as if she is already family, indeed, bond or no bond, curse or no curse, marriage or no marriage, Enid Sinclair, you are now a full-fledged member of this family."

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