Blood and Moon

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Enid was paralyzed. She felt nothing. She felt absolutely nothing.

The energy, the influence that in theory werewolves should feel during the full moon was not there. she felt nothing at all.

By now she had been running through the woods for a good hour or so, trying to howl, trying to recall the feelings that led her to transform the first time, but nothing doing, by now she could only stand still and stare at the full moon, while all around her she heard the howls of her family, her brothers, her father and her mother.

Suddenly she was surrounded by four little wolves, well, they are werewolves so they are huge but compared to her or her parents quite small anyway. They were all pawing around her happy and jubilant that their big sister, despite her human form, had joined them for the first time.

It is the arrival of a huge werewolf with a reddish-white coat that makes Enid's brothers calm down.

"Apparently Dad I have to disappoint you one more time. No transformation."

her father's face, it told her everything, he was not an Alpha, he did not have the gift of speech in the form of a wolf, but only with his eyes he conveyed her thoughts to him.

My child, how could I ever be disappointed in you? Enid my child, wolf transformation or not. colored hair or not, rainbow nails or normal nails? You are my child, I couldn't not love you, no matter what.

"But you cannot oppose an order from the alpha."

The wolf nodded sadly, Enid knew the story of her father, an Omega, the last of his pack after it was exterminated and scattered around the country. How he to hide his past took his wife's last name.

But before Enid or anyone else can add to anything, a wolf, not as huge as Enid's father, but much more intimidating, with shaggy, gray fur.

"This is the last time you let us down."

In a fit of fury, the werewolf just above Enid paws at her and opens a gash across her belly and chest, hurling her several meters until she collides with a tree and collapses to the ground.

"If you survive, make no effort to come and get your things, I will have them packed for you in the garden. If within three days you have not taken them away I will burn them. Then leave. You are no longer part of this family or this pack."

her father, as much as he could not oppose the alpha, somehow tries to reason with his wife. But he only gets a claw that leaves cuts on the left side of his face. Very similar to his daughter's.

"You have never accepted me since I was little. Ever since it was still early for me to transform. I still couldn't control my claws. I remember the lessons. The tortures I went through so that I could learn to trigger my claws."

Enid proudly displays her colorful claws. An insult to the Werewolves. She remembers how she always had to hide her colored nails, clean them off before returning home from Nevermore. How her mother almost pulled her hand away when for the first time, during a surprise visit to school, she saw her walking around with her nails tanned like that.

"You surrendered with my fangs, after you almost disabled me because of all the abuse, because that's what we're talking about, everything you did to me when I was little to make me the perfect wolf m. You can't define it any other way. I disavowed it, I always disavowed it, I thought you were a benevolent mother doing all this for my sake, I was convinced of it, but the older I got, the more I was able to connect with the world. Social, my friends were my salvation because they made me realize that there is another life outside of the pack, that there is a life for me outside of being a werewolf. There I built my Enid, the Enid who is sociable with all species no matter what they are, the Enid with colorful hair and rainbow nails, the Enid that everyone seems to love but you."

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