Addams Manor

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The journey to the Addams estate passes mostly in silence, with both during the car ride and the plane ride Enid maintaining minimal physical contact with Wednesday.

"I only do it for the side effects of our curses."

"I'm okay with it."

In the car it had been a simple contact between their shoulders with Enid occasionally resting her head on Wednesday's shoulder. Thing was surprised by the Addams' non-reluctance to contact, little did he know that Wednesday was so blissful in the numbness that contact with Enid gave her that when the girl first rested her head on her shoulder to rest her eyes, the raven was cataphracted by how much she loved the feeling of the werewolf on her.

In the airplane the situation was different, same cargo, same idiot passengers getting cleaned up at poker, but different situation because Wednesday was somewhere between homicidal impulse and wanting to hug and comfort the wolf who was terrified of flying especially if she finds himself on a plane put together with duct tape....

"I want to come down! We are going to precipitate! I want to go down!!!!!!!!"

Enid was a broken record; she had one hand shaking Wednesday's, which the raven did not understand how it did not squeeze her, seeing how the hand resting on the bench had its claws stretched out and embedded in the wood.

Once Enid lands she drops to the ground on all fours kissing the ground.

"Enid please you are embarrassing."

Wednesday passes her without giving her a glance and gets into the car.

"Lurch, load the ballast please."

The butler gently lifts Enid to put her in the car.

"Ballast? How dare you, you forcefully dragged me onto a death trap..."

"From which you emerged completely unharmed."

"And you didn't expect that I would object, with exceedingly good arguments, so I would like to point out my dear Wednesday....."

Wednesday with a hop sits next to Enid putting herself against her, much more attached than on the previous trip. This had been so unexpected that Enid mutated and Wednesday was able to continue the return journey with her beloved silence accompanied by an amiable stupor.

"We have arrived."

Enid was already scared to death just imagining what the house might be like, after they had to pass through a gloomy forest and a huge cemetery to get there, but when she stands in front of this huge spooky castle even more eerie and Gothic-style than Nevermore, Enid thought this place would be her grave.

All of Wednesday's family were at the foot of the huge staircase leading to the main entrance, and it was Gomez who did the honors.

"My dear werewolf girl, it is a pleasure to see that you are safe and sound and that our beloved daughter has taken you home as her future bride."

Of course with her explosive enthusiasm to welcome the Addams home, her words made Enid whiter than Wednesday and Wednesday pulled out one of her worst murderous looks and Morticia had to force herself to parry in front of her husband to intervene.

"What my husband meant was that of course we are thrilled that you are well and welcome in our home. We know about the bond between you and our daughter but don't worry there is no kind of obligation, my husband was just joking."

Enid hints at a tugged smile as Wednesday steps forward.

"I hope so father, because I have no intention of marrying such a lovely, sugar and rainbow ensemble."

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