Chapter 35. Preparing For The Raid

Start from the beginning

"Why?" Said Izuku.

Aizawa looked at him with a look that shook Izuku to his core "or else you will regret it for the rest of your life and it'll haunt you".

"S-so... if I truly wanted to... you'd help me... kill them...".

Taking one last puff of his cigarette he nodded his head "it's something that a decent number of hero's do... it's just covered up to not ruin the image of heroes".

"Do you know any other heroes that have killed villains" said Izuku.

"A couple and none of them enjoyed it, but giving the situation, it was either that or death for them and the civilians" said Aizawa throwing his cigarette away. "I'll help you with this Shimura, but only on the condition that you don't kill out of anger".

"I... I'll have to think on that... I feel nothing but pure rage" said Izuku.

Aizawa nodded his head and walked away while sighing "hopefully I can prevent you from walking the same path I did Problem child".


At the League of villains hide out, Ochako was trying to get away from Iida.

"Stay still my Ocha... I want to make you mine~" he said with psychotic grin.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!" She Screamed.

Iida didn't look happy and was about to say something when the door was opened and Dabi entered the room.


Dabi's eyes narrowed "boss wants to see you, that's all he said".

Gritting his teeth he sighed before looking at Ochako and touched her face "don't worry my love when I come back we c-" he was cut off when she head butted him in the face making him fall on the ground and hold his bloody and broken nose.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" She Screamed at him.

Standing up he glared at her before stomping off leaving the room.

Now alone Dabi looked at her and closed the door "I have a couple questions and depending on your answers will determine your fate".

Ochako looked at him with a fierce glare "I won't tell you anything".

"I'm not interested in information about your school or anything, more a curiosity I've had for a while" he then walked towards her and crouched down to her level. "What caused Endeavor to divorce his wife?".


"It's a pretty simple question, now answer".

Ochako looked at him unsure, but decided it wouldn't hurt anything "Izuku".

"What about him?".

"He beat him and in the deal, he had to divorce his wife and couldn't have any contact with his family unless they gave him permission" said Ochako.

Dabi was silent for moment, before he stood up and walked out but stopped at the door "I'll keep that creep away from you and leave a hint for the hero's".

"Wait.. why?".

"...... let's just say I owe Shimura something" he said walking out the room and leaving it at that.

Ochako was confused, why is he helping her now.


Two Days passed since then and heroes finally found a lead, they had a surveillance drone flying around the Kamino ward when they saw Dabi sitting on the roof of a building smoking a cigarette. The villain then went inside the building once he was done smoking, this told the hero's that this was the villain HQ.

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